The ‘super integrated ticket’ of Consorzio UnicoCampania and Almaviva arrives

by time news

Ticket innovation for local public transport in Campania where it starts the first ‘super integrated ticket’, the most advanced system in Italy to pay for public transport that opens the doors to the mobility of the future. From today in the Campania Region it is in fact possible to buy the integrated ticket for public transport by reading the credit card with the automatic application of the best rate for the trips made. “Simplicity and convenience are the principles that distinguish the experimentation of the new travel ticket payment system according to the Emv-Europay Mastercard Visa standard ” explain the Consorzio UnicoCampania which launched the experimentation and Almaviva which supported it as a technological partner. The experimentation of the new integrated ticket involves the metropolitan services of Anm and Eav, the lines for the airport (Alibus) of Anm and the line 119 of Busitalia Campania, providing for the subsequent extension to the entire area of ​​the Campania Region.

Travelers, tourists or residents, who move around Campania can thus access the various public transport services by purchasing a travel ticket by simply touching the contactless bank credit card or smartphone to the validators on board or in the stations at the entrance and exit. A calculation engine then applies the best rate on the basis of actual use, integrating the offer of the various companies that manage transport across the territory. UnicoCampania and Almaviva explain that “this means that the passenger can travel without worrying about buying the paper ticket in advance, evaluate which type of ticket is more convenient than the route, its duration or the different means of transport and the different companies that provide the service “.

“It is not necessary – underline the two players – to register on any portal or pay additional costs, a simple gesture is enough to access a journey that represents a real integrated mobility experience”. The core of the experimentation is the tariff calculation engine, based on Moova, the Almaviva platform dedicated to the world of transport, which, thanks to specific algorithms, collected all the data relating to place, date, time, company and vehicle, calculates the amount to be charged on the bank credit card, according to best practices, i.e. applying the most convenient rate for the traveler.

Smeraldo Fiorentini, general manager of Almaviva’s Transportation & Logistics Division, notes that “the widespread presence of smartphones and the constant growth of contactless credit cards, together with the increased speed and security of the internet, enable the birth of new ticketing systems that revolutionize and simplify the traditional models we were used to. “” Let’s kick off this first a great step towards the mobility of the future, a mobility – he explains – understood as a service that intercepts and satisfies the needs and desires of the traveler “. “Almaviva believed in this innovative model a few years ago, we have made an important investment to create the Moova platform that supports the various players in the mobility ecosystem “adds Fiorentini.

Gaetano Ratto, president of the UnicoCampania Consortium, points out that the Consortium “deeply believes in the importance of using technologies increasingly at the forefront in the transport sector “.” The introduction of Tap and Go – he continues – is a clear sign of this desire to innovate and make the public transport sector more efficient. The goal for this project is to to install, in the medium term, in each station a ‘pos’ on which to use the bank card, both incoming and outgoing. By doing the so-called Tap In and Tap out, in fact, the system will calculate the most advantageous rate for the user, based on his movements “.

“That’s why – finally explains Ratto – it is essential, and we draw the attention of travelers to this, that the card is always used both in and out of stations, so that the calculation of the tariff to be applied is correct. The advantages for users, in terms of simplicity, safety and speed of access to services will be visible to all “.

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