The superfood with more calcium than milk and few calories that a nutritionist recommends

by time news

2023-12-13 17:23:45

We are talking about a green leafy vegetable from northern Germany that has become increasingly popular in Spain and other Western countries due to its numerous health benefits, which is why it is considered a superfood. From the web Pharmacy Bio They highlight that “kale contains more calcium than milk, more iron than meat and a large amount of vitamins and minerals that make it a superfood with high nutritional value.”

Edgar Barrionuevo, nutritionist at the Silvia Giralt Center for Aesthetics and Aesthetic Medicine, explains to 20minutos that kale, also called kale or collard greens, “is a dark green leafy vegetable that has earned the reputation of a superfood due to its high nutrient content. “.

Other benefits of kale, according to Medical News Todayinclude helping control blood pressure, improving digestive health, and protecting against cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Packed with vitamins, calcium and iron

This kale is also considered a superfood because it provides important nutritional values. It is ideal for a healthy meal.Pixabay/pompi

In that sense, he explains that “it is loaded with vitamins such as A, C and K, as well as minerals such as calcium and iron. Thanks to its content of antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and lutein, kale can contribute to eye health and the immune system.

In addition, according to the nutritionist, “it is also an excellent source of fiber and can help with digestion and appetite control.” “The presence of phytochemical compounds in kale has been associated with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a valuable component of a balanced diet,” he advises.

More iron than a steak but it is less absorbed

The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) highlights that kale has very few calories, a high fiber content (satiating effect), and is rich in vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium or magnesium.

Beef fillet at its peak.PIXABAY

However, they explain from the OCU: “Kale has iron, yes, but more than a steak? The difference between the two is that iron from animal origin (meat, offal) is heme iron and is absorbed much better (it is absorbed around 25%), while that of plant origin (lentils, spinach… or kale) is non-heme iron, and despite having a good amount, its absorption is much lower (no more than 5%)” .

Kale has iron, yes, but more than a steak?

Something similar happens with calcium, according to the Organization of Consumers and Users: Kale has 212 mg of calcium per 100 grams, while milk contains about 110 mg of calcium per 100 ml. However, “while the calcium in milk is very ‘bioavailable’, easily used by the body, the calcium present in vegetables is absorbed less, due to the presence of phytates,” they emphasize.

Despite this, whether it actually provides more calcium or less than milk, the benefits of kale are indisputable and numerous.

Health benefits of kale

Nutrient Rich: Kale is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, potassium, and iron. These nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Antioxidants: Kale contains antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta carotene. This can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Low in calories and carbohydrates: Kale is a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate food, making it a healthy option for those who want to control their weight or blood sugar level.

Kale, so they call it, causes furor in the United States.WIKIPEDIA/Evan-Amos

High fiber: Fiber helps improve digestive health and maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system. It can also help control appetite and promote feelings of satiety.

Eye Health Benefits: Kale is a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that have been associated with eye health.

Strengthening bones: Kale is rich in calcium and vitamin K, two essential nutrients for bone health.

Heart health: The fiber and antioxidants in kale may help lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, which in turn may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Aids in detoxification: Kale contains compounds that can support liver function and aid in detoxification of the body.

It is a food that helps gain muscle mass. A study published in “Antioxidants” explores how antioxidants can mitigate exercise-induced oxidative damage

Kale can be prepared in different ways

Kale Caesar Salad with Crunchy Bread, Egg and CheeseCook for your life

Kale can be prepared in many different ways, including salads, smoothies, soups, stir-fries, and kale chips. Its versatility makes it easy to incorporate into a variety of diets.

Kale can be an excellent addition to a balanced diet, according to nutritionist Edgar Barrionuevo, but it should not be the only source of nutrients. Incorporating a variety of fresh, nutritious foods into your diet is essential for maintaining good health.


US Department of Agriculture and US Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th ed.

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