The supermarkets got into a huge mess: these are the chains that will snatch fines for one item

by time news

Bags deposit (Flash 90 photo, pexels)

Over the years, there has been a creeping increase in bag consumption. However, this is an average reduction in annual consumption of 74% during the years of application of the law, compared with the base year. In 2021, the volume of consumption of disposable plastic carrier bags increased by 1% compared to 2020.

It should be remembered that in 2021 the list of major retailers numbered 28, while in 2017 the list numbered 21 retailers and added more than 200 branches reported by the major retailers. The population growth of 9% between these years is also a leading factor in the increase in the consumption of bags.

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Examining the consumption of disposable carrier bags among large retailers and estimates made by the ministry regarding the consumption of bags in small retail stores that are not reported to the ministry – we see that the increase per capita in disposable carrier bags is less than 2% from 2017, when the number of bags per capita was 171 bags And until 2021 when the number of bags per capita is 174 bags.

Additional data: The weight test also shows that in 2021 retailers purchased 5,231 tons of bags, compared to 9,650 tons in 2016, the base year. This reduction prevented the formation of bags waste originally in an unprecedented volume of 4,419 tons.

All the monetary levies that consumers pay for the disposable plastic bags are used for the purposes set by law, including encouraging the use of reusable carrying means, education and advocacy for assimilating the purposes of the law and performing cleaning operations at beaches. The law currently requires payment of the list of major retailers under the Competition Authority.

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As part of the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s activities to enforce extended manufacturer liability laws, the ministry sent payment demands to five retailers who violated the provisions of the Bags Law and did not submit audited reports for 2020 on the date set by law, including BA Levy Ltd., Cheap and Large, Market Warehouses, Salah In addition, the ministry sent notices of intent to charge financial sanctions to four retailers who have not yet submitted the audited annual report for 2021, including Cheap and Large, Pavilion Wines, Mega Retail and Stop Market. NIS 60,000.

The disposable carrier bags create a large and excess amount of waste that pollutes the environment, the open spaces, the beaches and the sea. The Bags Act is intended to reduce the use of disposable carrier bags, in order to reduce the amount of waste and the negative environmental impacts of this waste.

If you have chosen to use a disposable bag, throw it in the orange bin at the end of use. This waste is sorted at designated transit stations, where the bags are separated from the rest of the packaging waste by means of a “bag cleaner”, and sent for recycling. These bags can be used, among other things, in the production of cables for communications and plastic sheets for the construction industry.

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During 2022, private bills to amend the Bags Law were tabled in the Knesset. In June 2022, the government decided to support a preliminary reading of a bill to reduce the use of disposable carrying bags by MK Yurai Lahav Herzno subject to the conditions and the bill of MK Michal Rosin. As part of the amendment to the law, it is proposed to extend the ban on the free sale of disposable carrying bags with a thickness of 20 to 50 microns to all dealers in Israel. In addition, the amount of the levy that the Minister of Environmental Protection can determine in the law will increase to a total of one shekel.

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