The supervisor who composed ‘You hid me’ passed away

by time news

In recent years she has suffered from a severe degenerative disease and today Mrs. Esther Klein, from the extended Sanhedria neighborhood in Jerusalem, who served as a garden supervisor at Agudat Israel, wrote a column in the newspaper “B’Kehila” and authored the book “You hid me”.

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: Today (Thursday) the important woman, the writer Mrs. Esther Mina Klein, passed away, who for years served as the kindergarten supervisor for Agudat Israel and is 74 years old at the time of her death.

Mrs. Esther Klein was born on the 29th of Tevet, during the War of Independence in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem, to her late Rabbi Yaakov Galis. Upon reaching the episode, she married her husband, Rabbi Shalom HaCohen Klein, shlita from the extended Sanhedria neighborhood.

She served as a kindergarten teacher and later as a kindergarten supervisor and educational director in the Beit Yaakov kindergarten network. She was later appointed head of the early childhood supervision department. Taught the field of early childhood in the ultra-Orthodox seminars in Jerusalem. She established and managed the pedagogical center “Lion Seedlings” which provides a solution and pedagogical services for kindergarten teachers, teachers and educators throughout the city. She initiated the integration kindergartens, which integrate children with special needs in regular kindergartens – an initiative that developed into a kindergarten network called “Fethiya”.

In 2008 she developed severe muscular dystrophy. But despite her medical condition, she continued her activities as a supervisor and even undertook a project to promote and assist vulnerable populations. Since then, she has communicated through the eyes with a special computer, and lectures and seminars for kindergarten teachers are still held at her home every week. She lectures once a week to various populations on meeting the difficult tasks of life. In addition, she writes a column for a newspaper in “Kehila” about her struggle with her serious illness.

She also won the title of “Dear Jerusalem” on the grounds of the committee that chose Menucha. In addition, she initiated the integration kindergartens, which integrate children with special needs in regular kindergartens. ”

She left behind a blessed righteous generation: among her sons, Rabbi Israel Klein is a senior lecturer in the ultra-Orthodox community, Rabbi Ephraim Klein is a rabbi at the Torat Raphael Yeshiva, and her brother is a Jerusalemite, Rabbi Avraham Israel Galis.

Her funeral took place tonight on Mount of Beatitudes in Jerusalem, where she was buried.

May her soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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