the support of the president of the National Federation of Hunters for Macron criticized by the candidates

by time news

The president of the National Federation of Hunters (FNC), Willy Shraen, confirmed his close proximity to Emmanuel Macron, Tuesday, March 29, by announcing support for the outgoing President of the Republic in the first round of the presidential election. An alliance forged but eleven lost for the first defender of the interests of hunters, whose position was heavily criticized by opponents of Mr. Macron on Wednesday morning.

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“He has the right to say what he wants and vote what he wants, but I don’t think he can say that the hunters are going to vote for Mr. Macron”reacted to France Inter Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “I regret that the president of the National Federation of Hunters always positions himself politically, a bit like a lobbyist and who comes to say “this president has done a lot for hunting”. This is not his job “lamented Marine Le Pen on the site

“A hunter president does not make the hunter vote”also supported on France 2 the boss of the senators of the Les Républicains party, Bruno Retailleau, in a statement tinged with the hope, for the right, of capturing part of the electorate that Mr. Shraen claims to represent – ​​although he disclosed his personal voting intention in an interview with Parisianreleased on Tuesday.

Willy Schraen talks about Emmanuel Macron’s program

Why support the outgoing President of the Republic rather than another? Willy Shraen proceeds by elimination: “ Fabien Roussel saw hunting. But the PCF announced that, if it was not in the second round, it would call for a vote for “the best-placed leftist candidate”. This means Jean-Luc Mélenchon, even Yannick Jadot… who call for a ban on hunting. As for Eric Zemmour, he says the hunt is great. But here it is: what will he do in the second round? No doubt he will call to vote for Marine Le Pen. Now, it is the primary incarnated animalism. arguments M. Schraen.

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He adds : ” What parts [le RN] is against hunting. Let’s talk now about Valérie Pécresse. She is surrounded by people who know us well. But in 2021 it signed the regional charter for animals of the L214 association, with anti-hunting measures. This NGO is the number one adversary of breeders and hunters. Finally, Anne Hidalgo has a dogmatic position which is worth [celle de] Jadot and Melenchon. » MM. Jadot and Mélenchon want in particular to ban hunting on weekends and during school holidays, against the backdrop of fatal hunting accidents.

Beyond these remarks, well known by environmentalists, the candidate Yannick Jadot rose up, for his part, from another part of the interview granted by Willy Shraen to the Parisian. According to the president of the FNC, Emmanuel Macron “will announce in the next few hours its vision of hunting through a letter to the departmental hunting presidents. He should commit to compensation for game damage, local rural policing, traditional hunting… He will put all his energy into meeting our demands. I have his word. »

“Enough public policies dictated by lobbies”

The presidential candidate’s proposals on hunting are not yet known, and the fact that they seem to be revealed by Willy Shraen has annoyed the former director of Greenpeace France. “It’s still incredible, you have an interview with the boss of the hunting federation this morning in a newspaper, who says: this is what the President of the Republic is going to announce in favor of hunting”was indignant, on CNews, the MEP.

Read also: Five misconceptions about hunting put to the test

“You have a federation boss who, basically, considers that he can speak in place of the President of the Republic”he insisted, recalling that, “For five years, Emmanuel Macron has not stopped authorizing hunts which were immediately banned by the courts because[elles concernent] protected species ».

“One of the main laws that we will make, if the French decide it, if we govern, it will be a law of separation of lobbies and the State”added Mr. Jadot, without giving further details. “Enough of the public policies dictated by lobbies which obviously protect their private interests at the expense of the general interest”he concluded.

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