The Supreme Court cancels the meeting with Bolaños after Nogueras’ statements pointing to magistrates

by time news

2023-12-13 17:18:36

The words of the Junts deputy, Miriam Nogueras, about the judges in the amnesty debate held in Congress that Tuesday have not been liked by the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) or the Supreme Court.

Nogueras pointed out five magistrates, with names and surnames: “Marchena, complicit in the politicization of the police and also of the Spanish justice system, along with indecent characters such as Espejel, Lesmes, Llarena, Lamela and many others…”, he expressed in the hemicycle.

The CGPJ has issued a statement as a sign of rejection after the disqualifications and accusations of Miriam Nogueras against judges and police officers occurred yesterday during the plenary session in the Lower House. A letter in which they describe Junts’ words as “inadmissible” and warn that the “necessary measures” will be taken.

“The designation – and the purpose that emerges from it – of several judges of the Supreme Court is inadmissible in a State of Law whose fundamental principles is the separation of powers. The persons indicated, and any other member of the Judicial Service who may find themselves in the same circumstances, they will find in the institution that I preside the firmest opposition to these attacks in defense of the jurisdictional work carried out by all of them, to whom I express my express support and the guarantee that, in the exercise of the powers that the law attributes to the CGPJ, all the necessary measures provided for by the legal system will be adopted to protect its independence,” reads the statement from the president of the Supreme Court.

The judges’ anger seems evident. Furthermore, sources from the governing body of the judges consulted by ‘Europa Press’ explain that the CGPJ can initiate the process to grant institutional protection to those affected by the attacks or refer the case directly to the Prosecutor’s Office.

The president of the Supreme Court has canceled a meeting with Minister Félix Bolaños, who came out in defense of the judges against Junts’ reproaches.

“I do not at all share the criticism that you make of the judges and the Judiciary. Spain is a rule of law, a full democracy and the judges act with independence and with separation of powers,” Bolaños said during the government control session. in the Senate. “The fundamental job of the Minister of Justice is to guarantee that judges can do their work without interference, without anyone behind them trying in any way to influence them…” he added.

The meeting of the Supreme Court with Bolaños is suspended

The interim president of the Supreme Court (TS), Francisco Marín Castán, has suspended the meeting that had been scheduled this Wednesday, at 12:30 p.m., with the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, for “supervening reasons” .

The suspension of the meeting comes in the midst of an escalation of tension due to the accusations made against the judges after the statements of the Junts spokesperson in Congress and legal sources have recognized that there is a certain “unrest” among the members of the court in the face of the parties’ accusations. independentists.

“The personal attack in Parliament against the former president of the Supreme Court, a president of the Chamber and two judges of the court is unprecedented and does not correspond to the minimum requirements of the separation of powers in a State of Law,” said Castán. .

Minister Bolaños has limited himself to insisting that he does not share the criticism of the judges and that he will “defend the judges and magistrates.” “As Minister of Justice I will defend the judges and magistrates of this country from the attacks and disqualifications they receive from pro-independence parties, but also from the long hand that the Popular Party has and that seeks to influence the Judiciary in Spain. Yes, both,” he remarked.

The meeting will take place next Tuesday

Minister Félix Bolaños and the president of the Supreme Court, Francisco Marín Castán, held a telephone conversation after suspending the meeting scheduled for today and agreed to meet next Tuesday at the judicial headquarters.

Bolaños has taken advantage of the conversation to convey to the Supreme Court that Spain “is a State of law, with a full democracy and the judges act with independence and separation of powers” and that he will work for the “prestige of the judges and magistrates” in the face of any attack ” wherever it comes from.”

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