The surest sign that you’ve found the perfect job – 2024-04-07 21:46:52

by times news cr

2024-04-07 21:46:52

Once you develop your abilities, you won’t be bored boring, you have a chance for more money and a higher post

“The right person” is a special project of “24 hours” about professional success, career growth, personal development, workplace relations, about good practices of employers, about news from the HR sector and management, about the labor market and vacancies .

You work the profession you like, you have a good income, a position that suits you, a fair boss, pleasant colleagues, a satisfactory amount of free time. Looks like you’ve found the perfect career spot. What more could you want? Well, that’s what – to learn something new and develop your abilities.

Having started in this position, you probably have a skill set that sets you apart from other applicants. Then you probably got a raise, and maybe you got a higher position. From here on out, though, it’s important to not only continue to use the skills you have and gain experience, but also to upgrade.

If your job doesn’t allow you to grow professionally, it’s not the right job.

First, gradually you will get stuck in a routine. By doing the same thing in the same way, with no challenges, you will stop feeling satisfied. Up to a point, the routine is comfortable. But then everyone needs something new to keep them interested during those at least 8 hours 5 days a week.

Second, you risk a lot. Every profession today is changing, and if you don’t develop your skills, you’re falling behind. Your opportunity to grow in the hierarchy in this company becomes doubtful. If you have to because of the circumstances or you yourself want to move to another company, you will have little chance.

It is precisely for this reason that experts claim that one of the most important criteria in your own assessment of whether you have come to the right place is whether you acquire new skills at work.

The majority of employees are also aware of it. In sociological surveys on satisfaction, a large percentage of respondents indicate that they rate highly companies that help their people improve by providing them with the necessary conditions and training. The opposite is a signal that if it does not invest funds and efforts in personnel development, the company ignores the need for innovation, which means that it loses its competitive advantages and does not have a bright future.

It may not be a good sign if your boss and HR select other colleagues for training and leave you out. Analyze what exactly it is about. The flattering thought that you are prepared is not necessarily true, only the inexperienced need training. Look around for other signs as well, and then ask yourself honestly if they are ignoring you because they are not going to promote you.

According to sociological research, another important factor that makes people stay in companies is knowing that they have the opportunity to get a higher position.

The owners and managers of some companies think that it is easier not to develop their employees, but to “buy” from the outside already prepared. Usually, this policy is not good either for the people or for the company itself. The opportunities to acquire new skills and chances to rise in the hierarchy are a strong motivator, and when they have them, people work more efficiently. And the external personnel in the team, especially in management positions, can lead to upheavals. Furthermore those who are “bought” can also be “rebought”.

Since there are rarely ideal things in life, your job is probably not ideal either for these or other reasons. Whatever they are, in any case it is good that you and take care of developing your abilities yourself.

In the age of the Internet, it is not difficult to keep up with the latest developments in your profession and your industry. There are online courses and university masters that will give you more qualifications, certificates and diplomas.

It will take some of your free time, but it is a good investment both now and in the future. In the present, because additional knowledge will help you achieve more successes that will inspire you. And the very fact that you are learning something new will tone you up. And in the future, because more qualification usually means more opportunities.

It’s reasonable to show your boss the effort you are making to develop yourself. Every employer and boss appreciates this positively, even if he is one of those who do not create conditions for staff training. As they say, welcome as long as the employee takes care of himself.

This, however, is care for one’s own career and respect for oneself, which every ambitious person should show.

In “The Right Man” you can read more:

The surest sign that you need to change jobs

How to deal with an emotionally manipulative boss who assigns collective blame

10 common but tricky job interview questions

You are successful if you choose your work and the boss

10 signs you’re about to get fired

The guy with the best suit isn’t always the biggest boss

How acceptance prophecy helps in career

Three signs that you have an unsuspected superpower for professional success

Scientifically proven: Mental contrasts are the key to success

When you made the boss very angry – action algorithm

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