The surreal debate between Elon Musk and Stephen King over the price of verified Twitter: “And $8?”

by time news

Elon Musk It is clear that the purchase of Twitter is not a purely philanthropic issue, but must also be economically viable. The billionaire is clear that he can get more profit than there is currently, based solely on an advertising modelwhich is why it has launched a campaign with one focus: those with verified accounts.

Musk wants to charge $20 a month to users who have the blue tick next to their name. East it has no more use than to confirm that they are those people and that they are reliably identified by that social network. Doesn’t give any more advantageso many of these users have refused to pay for something that does not bring them any extra benefit.

One of them is the master of horror literature (and cinema), Stephen King. The author from Portland has it clear: “20 dollars a month to keep my blue tick? Fuck it, they should pay me! If that is instituted, I will go like Enron,” he tweeted, recalling the famous oil company fraud case.

Musk’s own response was immediate. The owner of Twitter began to negotiate, live and before millions of viewers, who read in disbelief as two of the world’s most famous personalities from two radically different fields debated the very future of the social network. “We have to pay the bills somehow! Twitter cannot rely solely on advertisers. And 8 bucks?” she proposed.

Musk’s idea is to make Twitter profitable in order to mitigate the 44,000 million he paid to gain control of the network and, in addition, to thus curb those who use it for illegal purposes. “I will explain the reason in a longer way before this is implemented. It’s the only way to defeat bots and trolls,” she announced.

Musk has taken over the absolute power of Twitter and does not even have to agree with a board of directors, since he has fired them all and has remained as sole director. Those who have the verified account will have to loosen their pockets: it only remains to know how much.

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