The survey checked: who is better Smotrich or Deri

by time news

A survey conducted over the weekend against the background of the political floundering that is delaying the inauguration of Netanyahu’s sixth government, examined what the public’s opinion is about the appointment of Deri as Minister of Finance or Smotritz and whether the latter is suitable to serve as Minister of Defense | In addition, does the public regret the election results and would have voted differently today

The cases have not yet been divided and it is possible that this week there will be a breakthrough in the coalition negotiations. In the meantime we are hearing about demands for certain cases. A survey was published in ‘News 12’ that examined what the public thinks about the possibility that Shas Chairman Aryeh Machluf Deri will be appointed to the position of Minister of Finance and Bezalel Religious Zionist Rabbi Yoel Smotrich will be appointed to the position of Minister of Defense?

Well, according to the survey, the majority of the public thinks that the two appointments that stall the coalition negotiations and delay the resumption of the government – are inappropriate.

As for the question of whether it is appropriate for Aryeh Deri, who was convicted only six months ago of tax offenses, to serve as finance minister: 71% of the survey participants answered that he is not appropriate and only 18% answered that Deri is appropriate for the position. 11% answered “don’t know”. Even in the group of Netanyahu supporters, almost half – 48% – think that Deri’s appointment to finance is inappropriate, compared to 34% who do.

Aryeh Deri Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90.

However, most of those who think that Deri is not worthy of the position of Minister of Finance prefer him to Bezalel Smotrich. However, the majority believes that both of them are not suitable for the influential position that is greater than them and that another candidate is better. And as for the question of who is more suitable for the position of Minister of Finance: Deri receives 16% support, compared to Smotrich who settles for 13%, but the majority of the public – 56% prefers another candidate.

And what about the Minister of Defense?

65% of the participants of the ‘News 12’ survey believe that Bezalel Smotrich is not the right man for the position of Minister of Defense and only 21% think he is, 14% answered “don’t know”. Even in the group of Netanyahu supporters, the majority think that Smotrich is not worthy of security – 44% oppose versus 40% support – not a big gap at all.

Bezalel Smotrich Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90.

Another question that the survey participants were asked was whether they would change their vote despite the election results: 81% answered no, 11% answered that they would vote for another party in the same bloc, and only one percent of respondents answered that they would vote for the party from the next opposition bloc. Among the change bloc, only 14% would vote for another party in that bloc, while in the Netanyahu bloc, only 8% would vote for another party in the bloc.

According to the survey published in the ‘Olapan Shishi’ program on ‘News 12’: 43% think that the new government will handle terrorism better.

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