The heads of counties and cities in Taiwan have been in office for more than 100 days. According to the “Volume Survey of County and City Chiefs inauguration for 100 Days” launched by the TPOC Taiwan Issues Research Center, Hsinchu Mayor Gao Hongan and Keelung Mayor Xie Guoliang have created extremely high online voices, becoming the only two crowded The heads of non-directly governed cities, counties and cities entered the “front class” of the total voice volume, the former voice volume was 217,474, and the latter voice volume was 60,306. Further analysis pointed out that both of them successfully attracted media follow-up reports because of the topic setting of “pointing at the previous government”. They also created high voices on the Internet because of controversial issues, but at the same time, there were positive and negative on the Internet. The situation of opinion debates, especially the issues of Hsinchu Baseball Stadium and Keelung MRT, are related to the previous government and the time when the DPP county and city chiefs were in power. They will inevitably be criticized by green camp supporters, which will lower their personal favorability.

In order to understand how Gao Hongan and Xie Guoliang jumped into the top ranks of counties and cities by virtue of their voices, TPOC further analyzed the Internet public opinion data from December 25th to March 27th last year through the QuickseeK public opinion database, and observed Gao Hong’an and Xie Guoliang’s Internet voice trends. The results show that during the investigation period, Gao Hongan made a lot of noise on the topics of peak volume, single-day voice volume, and offensive and defensive discussions triggered by the Hsinchu Baseball Stadium reconstruction issue. Box Hsinchu Big Secret Treasure” promised to hold a press conference explaining the serious problems of the Hsinchu Baseball Stadium with Deputy Mayor Cai Liqing, exposing that the baseball stadium had dug up waste soil, stones, bricks, wires and other waste, and confirmed that there may be major problems such as cutting corners in related projects , Created more than 22,000 voices in a single day; on January 16, an anonymous Facebook fan page pointed out that according to the report of Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the People’s Party, 17 holes were dug for the Hsinchu Stadium for inspection, and the results were all unqualified. It was rotten, attracting more than 11,000 voices in a single day; on March 1, a weekly magazine broke the news that the holes dug out of discarded wires and bricks and stones formed puddles, indicating that even if it did not rain, the stadium was still in a state of being unable to drain water. In a single day, there were more than 3,600 volume injections. Overall, the traffic themes revolve around issues related to the renovation of the Hsinchu Baseball Stadium, making Gao Hongan continue to receive high degrees of discussion.

In terms of Keelung City, Xie Guoliang also created a lot of noise because he ordered a thorough investigation of the previous municipal projects such as the Keelung Intercity Transfer Station and the Cultural Center Art Museum. The transportation expenses have increased by three times, from the original 1.77 billion yuan to 5.386 billion yuan. This has caused the Keelung City Government to face difficulties, and it has also been highly discussed frequently. In general, the aforementioned municipal engineering issues accounted for Xie Guoliang Among them, Jijie was the most vocal. For example, on March 7, Xie Guoliang called out that the development benefits would be distributed by the central government and the funds should be borne by the central government, which attracted DPP Keelung City Councilor Zhang Zhihao to question Xie Guoliang’s statement that “the central government should pay all the bills.” Advocates, pointing out that Kaohsiung won 42% in Gaoxiong, Taichung won 50% in Zhongzhong, and Keelung won 8% in Keelung. Xie Guoliang created nearly 3,000 voices in a single day and successfully aroused policy discussions; while on March 17, China The Kuomintang supported Xie Guoliang through the fan page of the Party Central Committee, criticizing Lin Youchang, who had just stepped down as the mayor of Keelung, as a “betrayer” and questioned “writing a check before the election, and doing nothing after the election.” Realized, the two sides had a fierce online pen battle, creating about 1,300 voices in a single day.

In general, both Gao Hongan and Xie Guoliang succeeded in attracting media follow-up reports because of the topic setting of “pointing at the previous government”, and also created high volumes on the Internet because of controversial issues. The situation of the debate between pros and cons, especially the Hsinchu Baseball Stadium and the Keelung MRT, is related to the previous government and the DPP-member county and city chiefs were in power. It is inevitable that they will be criticized by green camp supporters, which will lower their personal favorability. Observing from the Internet data, Gao Hongan’s online favorability is relatively low, only 0.49, and the favorability is the second-to-last among the heads of counties and cities in Taiwan. The negative voice is greater than the positive voice, while Xie Guoliang’s favorability reaches 0.81.

After the nine-in-one election last year, many counties and cities experienced “reign change”. Gao Hong’an and Xie Guoliang also gained a lot of voice by exposing the former government’s abuses or controversial issues. This is a natural thing. However, when local The identity of the mayor is no longer a “candidate of the opposition party” but a “governor”. At the same time, citizens certainly expect the mayor not only to look back on the past and use the topic of the election to increase his personal voice and exposure, but to It should lead the city to develop and progress, which is the blessing of the people.

Trend chart of Gao Hongan’s network voice volume.Photo: Provided by Taiwan Research Center

Xie Guoliang’s network volume trend chart.Photo: Provided by Taiwan Research Center