The symptoms of juvenile Parkinson’s: why the disease also affects the under 40s

by time news

2023-06-19 08:28:08

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease second only to Alzheimer’s in terms of prevalence. The average age of onset is around 60 years. Not for a disease of adults-elderly only; there is a large number of cases with juvenile onset: about 5% of patients present before the age of 40, with even more extreme cases, patients so young as to present the first symptoms before the age of 10. Michael J.Fox, the face of an entire generation, discovered he was ill with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 29, at the peak of his career. Therefore, it is not a rare pathology: we are talking about twenty thousand people in Italy alone who encounter the disease at a young age, an even greater number if we place the age limit for early onset at fifty years underlines Gianni Pezzoli, neurologist, president of the Italian Parkinsonian Association and of the Grisons Foundation for Parkinson’s disease. A population that is still very active from a social, working and even reproductive point of view is therefore affected. And the diagnosis comes like a tsunami.

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