The Taboo of Discussing the Failures of Brexit in the UK: A Fatigued and Depleted Nation

by time news

Brexit Consequences Ignored in the UK Amidst Political Taboo and Exhaustion

By [Author]


The aftermath of Brexit continues to loom over the United Kingdom, with its consequences being ignored and brushed under the rug, even among those who voted against it. This political taboo has led to a lack of discussion and reflection on how badly the Brexit process has unfolded.

During my visit to the UK this summer, I have been struck by the reluctance of many to openly acknowledge the failure of Brexit. This comes as no surprise, as Brexit served as an early sign of the populist revolt against cosmopolitanism that ultimately led to the reign of Donald Trump in the United States. Both events have left their respective countries fatigued and depleted, but while the US can’t stop talking about Trump, the UK seems to avoid any mention of Brexit.

According to Tory lawmaker Tobias Ellwood, discussing Brexit in the UK has become toxic and painful. People have invested so much time and emotion into the process that it has become like a deep wound they wish to avoid picking at. Even London Mayor Sadiq Khan describes a vow of silence, or “omertà,” surrounding Brexit, with frustration that no one is willing to address its consequences.

Part of the reason for this silence lies within the demographics of the Labour Party. A significant portion of Labour voters supported Brexit, particularly in working-class areas known as the Red Wall, which were traditionally strongholds for the party but shifted to the right in the 2019 election. Joshua Simons, director of the think tank Labour Together, explains that these voters do not want to engage in conversations about Brexit.

Exhaustion also plays a role in the avoidance of Brexit discussion. The issue consumed British politics from the 2016 referendum to the final agreement in 2020, leaving many people eager to move on. In addition, there is a sense among some that the result of a democratic referendum must be honored, regardless of the consequences. This belief highlights the importance of unity, even in the face of what may be perceived as a “crazy thing” done together.

As an outsider, I find it somewhat foreign to witness such acceptance of the consequences of a major decision like Brexit. In a more polarized country like the United States, there would likely be a rush to reverse an unpopular policy imposed by a particular electorate. However, in the UK, referendums are rare and only held to address major issues, and they carry a significant political weight that is hard to comprehend for an outsider.

While Brexit continues to impact the UK in various ways, the lack of public discourse and reflection on its consequences remains a glaring issue. Ignoring the Brexit elephant in the room may only exacerbate the challenges faced by the country in the long run, as difficult conversations and accountability are necessary for progress and understanding.

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