The tallest statue of Christ in the world is in Brazil

by time news

Dhe largest Christ in the world is in Brazil. However, it is not the world-famous “Christ the Redeemer” that towers over the hills of Rio de Janeiro and attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. In terms of its size, at 30 meters (without base), it is at best upper mediocrity in a global comparison of statues of Christ. Even in Poland or Vietnam there are statues of Christ that surpass him. However, the statue in Rio, built more than 90 years ago, served as a model for all of them. And none has achieved the same level of appeal and fame.

The same is likely to happen with the new statue of Christ in the southern Brazilian city of Encantado, whose construction was completed in April. At 37.5 meters tall, Encantado’s “Christ the Protector” is 1.5 meters taller than Christ the Redeemer in Swiebodzin, Poland, making it the tallest in the world. The memorial, the construction of which goes back to the initiative of the mayor, who has since died, will be officially opened next year. The infrastructure for visitors is currently being completed. However, Encantado is located in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and is therefore far from the tourist routes. The new statue of Christ should change that.

Tourists will probably not arrive in droves anyway. The hinterland in Rio Grande do Sul undoubtedly has its appeal, but the green hilly landscape cannot compete with the view from Christ in Rio. Size alone is not everything. The architects probably thought so too and gave the Christ of Encantado a heart, and a very special one at that: the statue can be walked on and has a heart-shaped viewing platform in the chest area.

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