The teacher from Bnei Brak was arrested once more

by time news

A billboard with Rabbi Kook’s picture, in Tiberias. Illustration (Photo: David Cohen/Flash90)

The mystery in Tiberias: The teacher from Bnei Brak, who was arrested over the weekend for the 22nd time after she refused to leave Rabbinate Kook’s house in Tiberias, and this morning a hearing was held in her case in court – returned today (Sunday) immediately after the hearing to Rabbinate’s house.

The family called the police again, and the teacher was arrested again for the same charge. The Israel Police are considering whether to release her under conditions or wait until the morning and then bring her to court again.

As I recall and as reported this morning in the Shabbat Square, last Friday the police arrested a teacher resident of Bnei Brak (with a master’s degree) at Beit Rabbinit Kook, after she refused to leave the house. This is a teacher who has been arrested dozens of times.

In a hearing held at the Magistrate’s Court in Nazareth on Friday, the court extended the woman’s detention until Sunday and this morning the Magistrate’s Court in Tiberias rejected the request of the police and released her without restrictive conditions. As mentioned, after the release, she returned to Rabbi Kook’s house.

At this morning’s hearing, the police representative said: “We are at a loss, we don’t have any tools to deal with such an incident that is repeated over and over again, we have no other way to deal with the incident other than arresting.”

The judge released the teacher unconditionally and wrote: “I also share in the frustration of the parties. Punishments imposed on the accused not only did not help but only encouraged her to repeat similar offenses and even demand more severe punishments. Unfortunately, it turned out that punishment is not the way to solve the problem when the suspect refuses to detail her sources. The suspect is not a danger to the public and despite the trouble and harassment she is causing the rabbi and her family members, I do not believe there is any reason for further arrest.”

Rabbi Leah Kook previously told the Square: “First of all a hug”

The first case for which the teacher from Bnei Brak was arrested occurred in 2018, when she arrived in the courtyard of the rabbi’s house like hundreds of other applicants – but unlike them, she insisted on staying and then was arrested.

The police tell ‘Kikar HaShabbat’: “This is a very smart woman, who does not provide any logical explanation for their actions. We tried in dozens of investigations with her to understand why she continues and repeats the offenses and we did not receive any logical explanation for the phenomenon. Every time she is released, she goes straight back to the rabbinical house.” .

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