“The tears flow by themselves”: The corporation’s CEO says goodbye to the employees

by time news

After a saga that lasted for many months, the CEO of the Public Broadcasting Corporation said goodbye. Eldad Koblenz wrote a long email to the employees in which he said goodbye. He opened: “Congratulations Eldad, the search committee has chosen to be the interim CEO of the Public Broadcasting Corporation.”

Koblenz: “We have established a solid infrastructure of excellent public broadcasting”

He counted the corporation’s achievements, concluding: “This is a very sad day for me, the tears are flowing by themselves and choking my throat. I did not think so that it would end but nothing was reasonable and logical in the last seven years so only the end should be extreme. “An excellent public broadcast and this place does not need any specific persona to survive and flourish. You just started, Eldad.”

As you may recall, at the end of last month Koblenz received the announcement of his dismissal and announced that he would fight the decision. He wrote at the time: “I intend to fight the decision. I ask all of us to continue to be focused on the task assigned to us: excellent and better broadcasts for the Israeli public.”

Council Chairman Gil Omar’s decision to terminate Koblenz’s employment comes amid the ongoing conflict between the two and after the publication of the conclusions of the Procaccia Commission report which revealed that many workers’ corporations reported abuse of workers and a corrupt organizational culture. The committee further determined that the human relations and labor relations in the organization were neglected and the responsibility for this rests with the dismissed CEO Koblenz.

Koblenz’s full email


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