The Tel Aviv Municipality is fighting bicycles and scooters: these are the fines that will be distributed

by time news

Parking in Tel Aviv (Photo by Miriam Elsher and Yossi Zellinger Flash 90)

Last week, the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality began a significant reinforcement of the municipal enforcement system throughout the city against prohibited riding on the sidewalks with bicycles and electric scooters. Enforcement is carried out by dozens of municipal inspectors trained for the task, which aims to reduce the number of pedestrian injuries and separate uses of the various road types. The activity will focus on two main actions: uncompromising enforcement on the sidewalks and information on the bike paths. As of the start of the operation, 51 vehicles were seized and 1,179 reports of forbidden riding on the sidewalk were given.

Tel Aviv-Yafo Mayor Ron Huldai explained: “We are happy that bicycles and scooters have become a real alternative to the private car and usable and available means of transport, and that their use is only increasing. Phenomena of wild and illegal driving that endangers pedestrians and riders themselves.Remember, I have worked hard to provide more and extensive enforcement powers to municipal inspectors vis-à-vis the government and I welcome the important move that allows for greater government authority and increased enforcement powers for municipal inspectors in the war on traffic offenses. However, it must be remembered that the work has not yet been completed and that the government must continue to demand the obligation to obey inspectors and the obligation to install license plates on the tools. “

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Deputy Mayor and Transport Portfolio Holder Meital Lehavi added: “Massive and effective enforcement is an important key to raising safety on city streets and we need to make sure it takes place 24/7, 365 days a year. “Two-wheeled tools to enable electronic enforcement, which is known to be the most effective, as well as additional measures that will enable enforcement of riding speed and driving and focusing on non-standard tools, including points of sale.”

Like many cities around the world, the municipality encourages the use of alternative means of transportation for the private car including bicycles and miniature vehicles. The trend that has begun in recent years has expanded with a steady increase in the number of users including new audiences who enjoy improved infrastructure and convenient, cheap and fast mobility. At the moment, about 170,000 bicycles are carried out in the city every day, about 25% more than last year. In light of a significant increase in the volume of use, vigorous action is required in several channels to ensure the safety of all road users with an emphasis on pedestrians. The municipality invests a lot of energy in producing governance in the public space and eradicating riders’ offenses by deploying an enforcement system, including through designated inspectors and electronic means. In 2021 gave the city inspectors recorded 40,484 reports of offenses committed by riders.

Alongside all this, we believe that the majority of the riders are law-abiding residents and visitors and it is important to increase the information and education system. We operate in schools in programs designed for information and education for traffic and riding laws, this week we launched an information campaign in collaboration with the RALB and the Israel Police, which aims to remind riders that all traffic laws that apply to private vehicles also apply. For the Tel Aviv-Jaffa audience, among other things, the campaign will include: extensive billboards, billboards, information video, radio broadcasts, stickers on bicycle paths, safe riding workshops for more and more.

Starting last week, city inspectors are stationed at various shifts in key and changing locations across the city and will carry out increased enforcement, including confiscating power tools that travel illegally on sidewalks. The fine for riding on the sidewalk is about NIS 250. In addition, the fee for the release of a confiscated vessel is NIS 252.5. It should be noted that the release of seized tools from a minor (under the age of 16) will only be possible by the minor’s parent and that the return of seized tools will only be possible the day after the fee is paid.

Among other things, as part of the enforcement on the night of the White Night events (30/6), a safe riding simulator will be set up in the city center. This is a pilot conducted in collaboration with the police and the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality, where during this night the police will set up a position of virtual reality glasses, that anyone caught violating an electric scooter will be asked to step aside and experience a long 5-minute simulation of advanced riding.

In light of the Knesset’s Economics Committee’s approval yesterday of extending enforcement powers to municipal inspectors, municipal inspectors will begin extensive advocacy activities along bicycle paths next week, with the first phase not reporting against offenses committed on bicycle paths but warnings, information leaflets and even a bicycle flashlight. The Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality has worked extensively with the government to obtain additional enforcement powers for inspectors and Mayor Ron Huldai even sent a letter to the Ministers of Transportation, Interior, Homeland Security and Justice several months ago demanding regulation and enforcement of power tools and expanding enforcement powers. The local.

Traffic regulations enforced by municipal inspectors for bicycle paths and the amount of the fine to be given:
Failure to wear a helmet – a fine of NIS 1,000
Riding under the age of 16 – a fine of NIS 1,000
Riding without a theory test or training certificate – a fine of NIS 750
Prohibition of assembly – fines of varying degrees in the amount of NIS 100-250
Use of two headphones in the field of bicycle paths – a fine of NIS 250
Use of a mobile phone in the field of bicycle paths – a fine of NIS 1,000
Riding in the direction of a sign and an arrow

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