The term for finalizing the draft law on the media was extended until May

by time news

The deadline for finalizing the bill on the media has been extended until May 15, 2023. About it says in a document provided by the presidential administration.

Earlier, the deadline for finalizing the document was extended until March 1. It is reported that on February 21, members of the working group, which includes independent lawyers, journalists, experts and members of the presidential administration, submitted their comments and proposals to the draft.

In September 2022, the presidential administration drafted a media bill. It added a rule that websites must be registered along with traditional media, and also proposed to complicate the procedure for registering and re-registering media outlets.

Lawyers criticized project, as they considered that the presidential administration wanted to “eliminate websites objectionable to the current government” and interfere with the work of the media. Lawyers argued that the authorities want to establish “strict prohibitions on pluralism of opinions” with this law.

Against the background of strong criticism, the presidential administration agreed to create a working group to finalize the draft law, but the second version of the document turned out to be even tougher than the first. It proposed to equate bloggers with the media, but this idea was soon abandoned.

In Kyrgyzstan, there is a new wave of pressure on the media and freedom of speech from the authorities. The clearest examples of this are the expulsion of investigative journalist Bolot Temirov from the country, the blocking of the Azattyk radio website and an attempt to close it, and the arrest of blogger Yrys Zhekshenaliev.

However, the authorities claimthat there is no pressure, Kyrgyzstan is committed to the principles of the rule of law, and human rights and freedoms are one of the highest values ​​in the country.

At the same time, the authorities continue to initiate bills, which, according to experts, can become tools in the hands of the state against independent media and non-governmental organizations.

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