The test winners of Stiftung Warentest – 2024-07-29 19:53:36

by times news cr

2024-07-29 19:53:36

Stiftung Warentest tests diving cases and waterproof cell phone cases that allow you to take photos underwater. The result: some models produce good pictures. But only one case is easy to handle. Find out which one it is here.

The most important things at a glance

Anyone who has ever been snorkeling or diving will certainly know the feeling of wanting to capture the view underwater. No wonder, because there are some fantastic photo opportunities waiting underwater. You don’t necessarily need an underwater camera to take photos, you can also capture the subjects with your smartphone if it is in a diving housing.

This is exactly what Stiftung Warentest took a closer look at for the “test” issue 07/2024. Solid underwater housings, so-called hard cases, and soft, waterproof cell phone cases for the beach and sea were tested. We show you all the results and the test winner here.

Waterproof mobile phone cases tested: This is how Stiftung Warentest tests

In the test in the “test” issue 07/2024, seven diving housings for smartphones and two waterproof cell phone cases are subjected to a detailed examination. The test devices used are a Samsung Galaxy S22 (Android) and an iPhone 14 from Apple (iOS). A waterproof compact camera is also used to compare the images.

The experts evaluate photo and video recordings above and below water. To do this, they photograph and film a test board with different colored objects using the main, wide-angle and – where possible – telephoto camera of the smartphones. The handling and stability of the waterproof cell phone cases are also tested.

The test winner in the mobile phone case test is the model SportDiver Smartphone Housing SL400-U von SeaLifeThe case received an overall rating of “good (1.8)” from the testers and, in addition to good recordings and good handling, it also offers very good stability. Second place goes to the hard case with an overall rating of “good (2.3)”. Seatouch 4 Max by Divevolk. The recordings and stability of this model are each rated as “good”, but in terms of handling the case only achieves a satisfactory rating.

The “test” quality rating of “satisfactory (2.6)” is slightly worse for the Seapal Case by Marke Joby The Shellbox-Case delivers good photos and costs less than 40 euros. Handling and operating this model are complicated, however. However, the testers recommend it for initial photography attempts.

The soft, waterproof cell phone cases tested are inexpensive and suitable for protection against sand, water drops and deeper water, but they do not produce usable diving photos and make using the cell phone through the case almost impossible.

The test result: The SL400-U housing from SeaLife received the top rating of “good (1.8)” from the testers and, in addition to good recordings and good handling, also impresses with very good stability.

Product details: The case is 13 centimeters deep, 21 centimeters high and six centimeters thick. It weighs 669 grams and, according to the manufacturer, can be used at a maximum water depth of 40 meters. With an average price of around 290 euros, it is one of the more expensive models tested.

The battery-operated Sealife model is the diving case with the best handling in the test. The cell phone can be inserted securely using rubber inserts and a tension spring. It is controlled using the case buttons and the associated app. The shutter works well, and the model also scores points with its vacuum pump for attachment, leak test and leak alarm.

The test result: Second place goes to the Seatouch 4 Max hard case from the manufacturer Divevolk with an overall rating of “good (2.3)”. The recordings and stability of this model both received a partial rating of “good”. In terms of handling, however, the case only received a partial rating of “satisfactory”.

Product details: The model is comparable to the test winner case from SeaLife. It has a similar size at 12 x 23 x 4 centimeters, but is slightly cheaper than the test winner at an average of 249 euros. It is more than 200 grams lighter and does not require batteries.

Thanks to a liquid-filled film on the case, the smartphone can be operated directly via its own touchscreen when the case is underwater, which the testers highlighted as a positive. Only the instructions for use and operation with diving gloves were rated “satisfactory”. According to the manufacturer, it can be used in water up to 60 meters deep, a value that is significantly higher than the test-winning model.

The test result: The SeaPal case received an overall rating of “satisfactory (2.6)” and just missed a “good” overall rating. The recordings and stability are “good”, but the handling was only given a “satisfactory” rating. This is because there are no German-language instructions and it is also difficult to use with diving gloves.

Product details: The model measures 14 by 24 by six centimeters and weighs 577 grams. It can be used in waters up to ten meters deep.

The testers criticize this model for the fact that the instructions are only available but are brief and only in English, and that it is a real struggle to use it with diving gloves. With a price of around 250 euros, the model is more in the middle range, but can only be used at depths of up to ten meters, which is significantly lower than the values ​​of the models from Divevolk and SeaLife. In terms of recordings, the case receives the same overall rating of “good (2.0)” as its two predecessors.

The test result: The ShellBox case received an overall rating of “sufficient (3.6)” in the test. It delivers good images and satisfactory stability. However, its handling was only rated as “sufficient (4.2)”.

Product details: With dimensions of eleven by 20 by four centimeters and a weight of 332 grams, the cell phone case is comparable to the other models tested. When used at a maximum water depth of 15 meters, it cannot keep up with the two models rated “good”, but it still surpasses the Joby model.

The ShellBox case produces good photos and costs only around 40 euros. It is difficult to set up and only adequate to handle, but the phone can be operated to a limited extent via the film on the case. Due to the low price, the testers recommend this model to all users who want to try underwater photography for the first time.

Conclusion of the mobile phone case test

You don’t necessarily need an underwater camera to take photos; you can also take photos with your smartphone if it’s in a diving case. Of the seven waterproof cell phone cases tested by Stiftung Warentest, only a few produced good photos.

Our tip: The test winner SportDiver smartphone case from SeaLifeThe case received an overall rating of “good (1.8)” from the testers and, in addition to good recordings and good handling, it also impresses with its very good stability. At around 290 euros, the model is quite expensive, but offers very satisfactory performance.

If you have never taken underwater photos before or are just thinking about getting a waterproof phone case for a few snapshots on your next vacation, this could be Shellbox-Case could be something for you. It delivers good photos and costs less than 40 euros. Handling and operating this model is complicated, but the testers recommend it for your first photography attempts.

Things to know about waterproof phone cases

Many smartphones are now waterproof. It is reasonable to assume that this feature is sufficient to take good photos and videos underwater. There is nothing wrong with this in principle if you want to dive in and take a snapshot. However, sea salt and high water pressure can also damage waterproof smartphones, so a waterproof cell phone case is always worthwhile if you want to explore greater depths or take your phone into the sea more often.

The quality of your photos depends on the waterproof phone case you choose. In the test, most models produced good photos, especially the hard cases. Only the soft phone cases were disappointing in terms of image quality.

In any case, it is worth taking diving photos at eye level or diagonally upwards and, for example, in the midday sun, because then the underwater world is best illuminated.

To compare the waterproof cell phone cases with the waterproof ones, the testers from Stiftung Warentest also looked at a waterproof compact camera: the OM System Tough TG-7.

The result: It doesn’t quite match the camera performance of current premium smartphones, but it is easy to handle. At a price of around 550 euros, it is more expensive than all of the waterproof cell phone cases tested, but it is an alternative for anyone who doesn’t have a smartphone with a high-end camera.

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