The “third eye” of Cecchino Cacciatore focused on the world of justice

by time news

NoonJanuary 17, 2023 – 3:21 pm

THE criminal lawyer from Salerno, author of The law between the lines edited by Francesco D’Amato The essay, full of quotes, questions the profession with intellectual honesty

Of Gabriel Bojano

The cover

quite curious that in the same days in which a fictional lawyer (but not too much…), Vincenzo Malinconico, who among other things appeared very critical, almost disenchanted, about the meaning of his profession today, was very popular on TV, another lawyer, belonging to the real world (and to the same forum as Malinconico, that of Salerno), Cecchino Cacciatore, published a more general reflection in the form of an essay on “just justice”. And equally curious that while the news arrives from the USA that in February for the first time an android will take its test in the courtroom, complete with a speech and a defendant to defend, Cacciatore believes so much in the future of the category that he tells it with philological rigor and intellectual honesty through cultured quotations and literary, legal and philosophical references.

A family of lawyers

The law between the lines (Journey in search of Justice in literature) edited by Francesco D’Amato, a book in which the author, as the former president of the Salerno Bar Association, Silverio Sica writes in the preface, reflects, explores, questions. Not everyone thinks and questions what they do. We need a sort of third eye, the one that makes us see the world that doesn’t appear, that lets us glimpse the future, that sees ghosts in everyday reality. Thus Cacciatore proves to be an aware lawyer, attentive to the harmony with the human being and his emotional drives often banned in the name of efficiency, statistics and the more or less prompt response to the request for the fight against crime, a professional who is most qualified to face, in 175 pages of the book, important and divisive themes such as the Cartabia reform, the crisis of the accusatory process, the separation of principles from values ​​and the evolutionary interpretation of the law itself. In his DNA, in fact, there is the non-episodic attendance of the courtrooms by the noble family from which he descends, a family of jurists and lawyers expert in criminal law, including his father Diego who trained him in respect of the truth and of law.

Racinaro, victim of unjust justice

The law, therefore, understood in its true essence as the foundation of social life, not as but as it should be, far from that punitive logic, daughter of populism that arises from the freedom of fear, in which the betrayal of the liberal “criminal” clearly emerges , what generally stands as a figure of the quality of democracy. Between the lines Cacciatore undertakes a cultured and passionate journey from Sophocles to Brecht, from Kafka to Shakespeare, from Pirandello to Manzoni and Dostoevskij, to name just a few, which has as its final objective the reasoned guarantee of a world that judges or is judged in which the crime that causes the trial and not the other way around. Something like this, the reversal of the crime-trial relationship in an inquisitorial key, unfortunately happened to the former rector of the University of Salerno, the philosopher Roberto Racinaro, a victim of unjust justice, to whose human and procedural story the Salerno criminal lawyer dedicates a chapter. The law between the lines will be presented on Friday 20 January at 5 pm in Salerno, at the Salone dei Marmi in Palazzo di Citt.

January 17, 2023 | 3:21 pm

© Time.News

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