the third in which more data is stolen

by time news

2023-08-17 12:45:28

Spain is one of the countries most affected by cybercrime. During the second quarter of 2023, there were close to four million data leaks from users living in the national territory. Only behind, globally, the United States and Russiaawhich occupy the first and second place respectively, according to a recent report by the software company Surfshark.

The same firm points out that, during the months of April, May and June, more than 100 million accounts of all kinds ended up leaked around the world. The number of security breaches increased 2.6 times compared to those that took place during the previous quarter, according to data provided by the same firm. The increase, in the case of Spain, has been milder, going from 3.1 million stolen and leaked accounts on the network at the beginning of 2023 to 3.7 in recent months.

Fair behind SpainIn fourth place is France, a country that suffered 3.4 million accounts in the second quarter of 2023, a slight increase compared to the 3.2 million accounts in the previous quarter. In fifth place is Turkey, with 2.8 million leaked accounts during April, May and June.

Be that as it may, the data collected by these countries is very far from those of the two states that top the list: United States and Russia. In the North American country, almost 50 million digital accounts were violated in the second quarter of the year. In Russia the number of leaks exceeded 12 million.

Always in the spotlight

Email and social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, as well as WhatsApp, are highly coveted by cybercriminals. Thanks to their theft, criminals, for example, can impersonate users to try to steal data and money from your contacts. They can also be the gateway to hijack the companies they work for.

The same is true for user data, such as their full name, their address or their telephone number. Armed with this data, criminals can launch more targeted scam campaigns against the victim of the breach. And it is that, it is not the same that you receive a message signed, apparently, by the Police in which you are told that you have unpaid traffic tickets, than that same communication is addressed to your name and, in addition, include several real personal details.

In order for the user to prevent their information and accounts from ending up in the reach of anyone, the best thing they can do is be very careful with the information you share on the internet. You should also be very careful about what software you download to your devices. Finally, you should use strong passwords and change them regularly. At least once every six months.

#data #stolen

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