The thirteenth vote to elect the speaker of the Chamber is underway

by time news – The official candidate of the Republicans for the office of speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthyhas given up everything to be elected: the Californian congressman has just announced the reaching of an agreement with Chip Roy, the Texan conservative who became the leader of the frond that voted against McCarthy.

But it seems probable that even in this vote, McCarthy will not make it even if they should increase the consensus hitherto stuck at 200-201. A sign that the wall of ‘rebels’ is cracking. The candidate can afford to lose a maximum of four votes, unless the quorum falls, which has not happened in the previous eleven ballots. Even the Republican. However, McCarthy is convinced that he is reaping the fruits of his strategy: he gave in to all the requests of the ultra-Trumpians on condition that he gets their vote, reaches 218 votes and becomes the new speaker.

At noon local time (6pm in Italy) the session that will lead to the twelfth vote began and moods, after three days of deadlock, have changed.

Some rebels would have sent positive signals during the night. It is not yet clear how much the situation could change.

It was from 164 years old that the race for speaker didn’t go on like this, but with the passing of the hours perhaps the final act is approaching. McCarthy has agreed to grant the rebels key positions in the most important commissions, to marry their ultra-nationalist requests, and is also willing to submit his mandate to a future motion of no confidence. All choices that could guarantee his election as speaker, but which will weaken his leadership.

While waiting for the start, the commemoration is underway in the House two years after the assault on Capitol Hill, when Trumpian supporters put the buildings of Congress under siege. Almost all participants are Democrats. There is a Republican: Brian Fitzpatrick, elected in Pennsylvania, a former FBI agent

  • 20:24

    Media: Trump is calling MPs for votes in McCarthy

    Former President Donald Trump would be making phone calls to “rebel” Republican lawmakers for Kevin McCarthy to reach the 218 votes needed to be elected Speaker of the House. CNN reports it, while the thirteenth ballot is underway.

  • 20:18

    McCarthy closer, but still doesn’t have a majority – The chairman of the far-right Freedom Caucus among House Republicans, Scott Perry, has changed course and is now backing Kevin McCarthy. That could make a difference, but McCarthy still doesn’t have a majority to win election. But he is much closer.

    Meanwhile, the thirteenth vote has begun.

  • 19:50

    McCarthy’s allies now expect ‘more votes’ – Kevin McCarthy’s allies expect further growth in the thirteenth ballot to elect the speaker of the House. McCarthy loyalist Patrick McHenry told CNN.

    There are fourteen votes that the “rebels” have given to the official candidate, bringing him to 213 votes: there are still 5 votes to go before the goal of 218, the necessary quota to be elected.

  • 19:38

    For the first time McCarthy surpasses the Dem candidate – For the first time in four days of voting, the Republican candidate for speaker of the House has collected more votes than the Democratic one. Kevin McCarthy got 213 votes, Hukeem Jeffries 211.

    Conservatives close to the party’s official candidate are satisfied because they counted on winning eleven votes at most, instead in the twelfth election they received fourteen. Many but still not enough for election.

  • 19:29

    McCarthy, 14 more votes but smoked black – The Republican candidate for the role of speaker of the House gains 14 votes in the twelfth vote, but does not avoid black smoke. The twelfth. The representatives will still have to express themselves. Meanwhile, the frond of rebels is growing among the Republicans opposed to Kevin McCarthy.

  • 19:25

    Chip Roy: We’re making progress – The number of “rebels” who have changed their vote has risen, indicating Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the Chamber in the twelfth vote. Among the latter, there was Chip Roy, considered the “head of the blackmailers” and whose decision was greeted with an ovation.

    Before him, McCarthy had voted for Scott Perry, a congressman from Pennsylvania. “Truthfully, McCarthy,” he said at the time of the explanation of vote, earning the applause of the majority of the party.

  • 19:15

    The frond of Republicans who switch to McCarthy is growing

    Matt Rosendale, Chip Roy, Scott Perry, Ralph Norman and Byron Donalds agreed to vote for McCarthy. And the number of the Republican branch that has changed position in the last few hours is growing, choosing to support the election as speaker of the House after so many unsuccessful attempts.

  • 19:02

    Donalds votes for McCarthy

    Republican Byron Donalds also votes for McCarthy during the 12th ballot for Speaker of the House.

    Donalds, a representative of the ultra-right, had voted for himself in previous votes, with the support of the rebels. That of Donalds, a symbolic candidate of the revolt, was the fifth vote – and the most highly symbolic – passed in favor of the moderate candidate of the Republican Party, and a sign of the split in the rebel front. McCarthy is set to get close to the 218 quorum needed to be elected Speaker of the House of Congress, but he won’t make it for the twelfth time. There are already six votes diverted to other candidates. Five were enough to deny McCarthy a quorum

  • 18:58

    We are heading towards yet another black smoke – We are moving towards the thirteenth vote for the election of the speaker of the US Chamber. In fact, even at the twelfth, McCarthy could not count on the 218 votes needed to be elected.

    Four votes announced by Matt Gaetz went to Trumpian Jim Jordan, two went to Kevin Hern. If the quorum were to remain unchanged from previous ballots, McCarthy would not have the votes to be elected this time either. But he will increase the number of consents, so far stopped at 200-201. A sign that the wall of ‘rebels’ is cracking. But the candidate can afford to lose a maximum of four votes, unless the quorum falls, which has not happened in the previous eleven ballots.

  • 18:48

    Three “rebels” vote for McCarthy

    Three “rebels” who so far had voted against Kevin McCarthy for the role of Speaker of the House of Congress, voted for the official candidate, confirming the “progress” made in the negotiations. Party colleagues who support McCarthy applauded them. But there are already two votes against. McCarthy can lose up to four. The quota to be elected is 218.

  • 18:46

    Among the points of the agreement between McCarthy and the Gop, 75 billion cuts to Defense – To convince the gop to vote for him and thus become speaker of the House, the Republican candidate Kevin McCarthy would have proposed a cut of about 75 billion dollars in defense spending, at a time when the United States is willing to support Ukraine against the Russian invasion and are increasingly concerned about tensions between China and Taiwan.

    Part of the deal under discussion would be to cap fiscal year 2024 spending at 2022 levels, Bloomberg reported. National defense spending, which primarily funds the Pentagon, was about $782 billion in the year. fiscal year 2022 and increased by $75 billion to $857 billion in fiscal 2023.

  • 18:40

    Gaetz and Boebert will not vote for McCarthy – Matt Gaetz, leader of the five “irreducible”, announced the candidacy of Trumpian Jim Jordan, while Lauren Boebet that of Kevin Hern. These two vote explanations indicate that Kevin McCarthy, the official candidate of the Republican Party, is probably destined to lose the race for Speaker of the House for the twelfth time. Compared to the rumors of “steps forward” that emerged earlier this morning, these positions represent a cold shower on McCarthy’s aspirations

  • 18:37

    McCarthy, progress but unlikely victory today

    Republican nominee Steve McCarthy stressed ‘progress’ was made today but believes victory today is ‘unlikely’

  • 18:34

    Gaetz: “McCarthy will never get the votes” – Matt Gaetz, representative of the “Never Kevins”, the irreducible opponents of Kevin McCarthy, confirmed that he will not vote for the official candidate of the Republican Party. “He occupied the Speaker’s office without getting the votes – he said in the explanation of vote, referring to McCarthy – he didn’t get them, he won’t get them today, he won’t get them tomorrow and he won’t get them in a month”. This declaration represents a cold shower for McCarthy, who is convinced that he has made a breakthrough. But at least five votes will certainly not go to his candidacy, and this may not allow the majority of the 218 votes required to be elected to be reached.

  • 18:21

    McCarthy “I’m confident” – Republican candidate Kevin McCarthy professes confidence and expects some of his opponents to change their minds and vote for him

  • 18:16

    McCarthy on Twitter – The Republican candidate on social media leaves no room for interpretation on how the last vote will go

  • 18:11

    Confusion over McCarthy-Rebel deal – Less than an hour before the start of the 12th vote for the election of the speaker of the US House of Representatives, news of a possible agreement between the official candidate and the rebels overlaps.
    After Kevin McCarthy had announced in a conference call of the Republican Party the “reaching” of an agreement with the branch that has so far voted against him, now the American media downsize by speaking only of “steps forward” but not of a closed agreement; it seems that agreement has been reached with some of the ‘rebels’, but not with all.
    It is not clear at the moment whether McCarthy will be able to immediately get the 218 votes needed to be elected or if more votes will be needed. On the table are a series of requests from representatives of the ultra-right, ranging from seats in key commissions to guaranteed elections in colleges, from a squeeze on federal spending to tougher measures on immigration.

  • 18:11

    Voting in the House of Representatives has begun – Voting in the Chamber has begun. After more than eight hours and five unsuccessful votes, a motion was approved which adjourned the vote for the election of its new Speaker at noon on the Epiphany (6pm in Italy). A new slap in the face for the official candidate of the Republican majority, 57-year-old Kevin McCarthy, who not even in the 11th and last ballot managed to scratch the wall of the rebels of the Grand Old Party and stopped at 200 votes. The leader of the Democratic minority, Hakeem Jeffries, made the full of ‘his’ 212 votes, seven votes went to Kevin Hern, supported by the GOP rebels, one to Donald Trump and another 12 to various candidates.

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