The threat of leaders of the US Congress against Mexico

by time news

In electoral times the applicants Republicans and Democrats at heart interventionistand accustomed to threatenreturn by the same path: the theme of the drug trafficking and transnational crime organizations operating in Mexico y USA. First it was the feint with “the non-certification” to provoke reprisals against Mexico, then they modified their national legislation giving it international jurisdiction and in times of the global fight against “islamic terrorism”, they also included in that denomination the organizations of the transnational crime.

Indeed there was a noun change in the international offer of drugs: narcotics derived from opiates (fentanyl) that can mingle with cocaine, have taken a preponderant place, in the offer and the consumption within the USA. They are brutally like that lethal and they had an essential change among their addicted consumers. This has always been a matter of theirs, they have never wanted to admit it out of perverse convenience. Is better blame only to the opposite, to Mexico, and the Central and South American, Asian countries. They are a very powerful industrial, financial, technological and militarily society, but socially very sick. They know that they can die in a very short time when consuming fentanyl and they do, the doses are advertised up to internetthey sell them to anyone and in the amount they want, and many senators thinking in other public positions doing Electoral campaigns. Exemplary, without a doubt.

Today those who want to work for their country, like Senator Chuck Grassleytop Republican on the United States Senate Judiciary Committee, asked the FBI and the DEA, the entire information related with Genaro Garcia Luna. Senator Grassley asked the US intelligence and security agencies for all recordings, reports, notes and other documents of García Luna and his criminal activity, as well as all the contents of his personal computer and cell phone, seized by the DEA when it was arrested in December 2019.

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Today the US and Mexican press is reporting that by order of Senator Chuck Grassley, they must explain what they learned about García Luna and his activities, in addition to reporting when they found out of his criminal involvement and how such information was obtained information: sources and specific dates in which said reports were received. Also, how was the assessment of trust control that they have made to García Luna and identify the individuals who participated in it and the dates on which it was carried out. here in the old CISEN We know that García Luna passed all the Trust Control Exams: I) when he became an intelligence operator, II) when he was promoted to Head of Department and later to III) Deputy Director. He is then excellent at simulating and deceiving.

In the letter sent to the DEA administrator, Anne Milgramand the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, Legislator Grassley asks them to explain what these agencies knew about García Luna and his criminal activity in detail. He supposes, probably, crimes of concealment y complicity crime, or negligence. It is very difficult or impossible to think that it is just out of curiosity. We will know later. In addition, it requests to identify which persons reported and who had said information, the dates on which they reported it. The senator gave the DEA and the FBI a period of 30 days to provide said information, it will expire on March 22.

Title 22, Chapter 38, US Penal Code § 2656f, defines terrorism as an act of “premeditated and politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets of subnational groups or clandestine agents.”. In short, the use of excessive violence or the threat of violence in the search for goals political, religious, ideological or social.

The State Department’s Counterterrorism Office has cataloged 68 organizations foreign as terrorists, which are groups that have been involved in the planning and preparations for possible future acts of this type or have the capacity and intention to carry them out. To proceed against you:

A) First you have to identify one organizationonce the Secretary of State has it, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury, decides to make the designationCongress is notified of the intent and granted seven days to check it designationunless there is some congressional action to block it, a notice is published in the Federal Register.

B) Second: By law, an organization designated as a terrorist organization may request a judicial review of the designation in the United States Court of Appeals no later than 30 days after the designation is published in the Federal Register. The other way, shorter, and without going through Congress, is through a Presidential decree. Although to do so, they must also comply with the Legal requirements to be considered as such.

C) Third: once the designation is published, the law forbids giving US foreign aid to governments that provide assistance or lethal military materiel to groups on the terrorist list; the sale or export license of defense articles or defense services to countries that the president determines are not fully cooperating with the effort anti-terrorist of the government.

D) Room: also authorized exclusion of the foreign who are members or representatives of terrorist groups and the Federal Aviation Administration is instructed to require airlines air Transport serving the United States that apply identical security measures.

E) Quinto: Public Law 104-132, known as Anti-terrorism Lawempowers the US government to to intervene in countries that mean a threat to the security of that nation. While in the Patriot Act, signed into law by President George Bush After September 11, 2001, it covers international jurisdiction based on international treaties and bilateral agreements.

F) Sun website of the Department of State indicates that to be considered an FTO, a group “must threaten the safety of United States citizens or the national security (national defense, foreign relations, or economic interests) of the United States”.

G) But at the end of the entire process, the decision is political.

This is generally the framework bequeath and political-normative of the topic that has arisen in the Congress of the USA in relation to the multinational drug trafficking criminal organizations that operate in and from Mexico. The option of declaring the drug traffickers as terrorists has been suggested in the past by politicians and even by some expert. For them, the level of violence that these organizations have reached justifies a measure like this. Who was resurrected last year the theme was the Mormon family the baron, of Mexican and American nationalities, before the brutal attack suffered by his family. A great indignation more than justified. But it did not prosper.

President AMLO does well to show great firmness in the face of threats and threats from leaders of the US Congress, we must support him and be very attentive. Let’s hope that what happened in matamorosTamaulipas has not been a clear provocation deliberately organized. That would change everything.

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