The three biggest political ideas in the world that every marketer knows

by time news

Oren Meir (PR)

My first choice belongs to the move of our neighbor to the north. Lebanon has long boasted of being one of the few democracies in the Arab world, and the a-Nahar newspaper has always fought against the Syrian patronage for the people’s rights and freedoms.

On February 1, 2021, the paper’s editor-in-chief announced a special election sheet the next day, inviting the general public to look for it. But a-Nahar’s special issue was never printed. Instead, readers who went to the newsstands to purchase the paper found blank racks displaying the message – the ink and paper destined for today’s edition were sent to print ballot papers for the 2022 election, go vote.

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A-Nahar, who has never spared enough ink and criticism of the corrupt government and patronage of Lebanon, conveyed his most poignant message to the election and the need to go to the polls through a newspaper that was not printed for the first time since 1933!

“Change the ref” An organization that fights in the arms lobby in the United States comes out during a course that even surprised me how far they managed to get with it without being exposed.

“Change the ref” establishes James Madison Academy, an online high school allegedly named after the author of the Second Amendment to the law that allows the use of unrestricted firearms.

For the school’s inaugural speech, David Keane, former NRA president, and John Lot, author of the book “More Guns, Less Crime,” two ardent gun supporters were invited. While the two believed, each in turn, that they were reading the opening speech as part of a general rehearsal ahead of the students’ entry and therefore the chairs were empty, in practice they were actually talking to those dead students who would never get the chance to sit on those chairs.

The speech was covered in all the media networks from CNN, the Washington Post, the Guardian and many more and reached a cumulative media value of $ 1.4 billion in 0 media budget!

And the “enlightened” continent of America to the only country in Latin America that has been banning the morning-after morning pill for 13 years – Honduras. Today, one in four women and girls in Honduras becomes pregnant before the age of 18, half of them because they have been raped by men from their immediate area.

“GE PAE” is a non-governmental organization that has been fighting for more than a decade to lift the ban, not only without any media budget, but also in the face of trending and hostile conservative national media led by religious leaders who call women just seeking basic human rights, killers belonging to death squads only Due to their desire to abort.

“GE PAE” embarks on a groundbreaking move (or rather continents) and places the “Morning Island After”, a kind of wooden raft outside the territory of Honduras in the sea itself, thereby allowing Honduran women to take the next morning pill on the raft without fear of prosecution.

Once the move is unveiled it reaches 112 media outlets in 14 countries, with an audience of 180 million people who here too, as in the previous two moves have not been paid to the media for even a single Honduran breakaway.

As a result of the presidential move that Castro converted from an official meeting on Women’s Day to the end of the day, the government is committed to systemic change, including the establishment of a new women’s office and a broad legislative proposal repealing the ban on the morning pill and protecting women’s sexual and civil rights in Honduras.

The move is so practical and world-changing that ‘The Morning Island After’ was not removed after the publication and continued to be the only choice for more than 3 million women from Honduras until the law was changed.

Three ideas that break conventions and from both worlds, that have managed to resonate their message beyond any possible goal and all with zero media budget.

The author: Oren Meir, owner and chief creative officer of the Addict Israel advertising agency, advertising judge and lecturer in branding and creative and groundbreaking thinking

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