The three-day-old lost consciousness; His condition is humane

by time news
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A three-day-old ultra-Orthodox toddler lost consciousness this morning (Wednesday) at his home in the Romema neighborhood of Jerusalem and is in critical condition at Shaare Zedek Hospital.

Rescuers who were called to the toddler’s home found him without a pulse and without breathing and who began performing life-saving resuscitation operations.

Upon arrival of an intensive care unit, the toddler is rushed to the hospital, in a critical condition, with resuscitation operations continuing at all times.

Rami Dave, a paramedic at the Rescue Union, said: “When I arrived at the scene, the toddler was without a pulse or breathing. I performed resuscitation operations on him until an intensive care unit arrived and evacuated him to the hospital while resuscitation operations continued in human condition.”

Zvi Locker, an emergency medicine paramedic on the ‘rescue team’, said: “When I arrived at the scene, we were directed towards a 4-day-old toddler, with no pulse and breathing, I started performing resuscitation operations on him, which included souls and massages, until the MDA ATN team arrived. “Who is referring him to Shaare Zedek Hospital in the city, during life-saving operations, when his condition is difficult and unstable.”

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