The three Viennese Turkish women for Austria: This makes my Vienna even more beautiful! 2024-07-03 12:12:14

by time news

Birol Kilic, Observations from Vienna, 3.07.2024

I was also at the Favoriten yesterday after the football game and had many interesting observations and conversations outside and in the crowd.

For example, the small Turkish family from Vienna with the small child who carried the Austrian and Turkish flags and is growing up respectfully with both flags. It was all spontaneous… I also met a group that was not inflammatory, but just carried a three-meter-long Turkish flag with a group in the middle of Favoriten. They were all nice young people, 1000 people at most or even less. All age groups were present, from two-year-old boys and girls to 70-year-old women and men… Yesterday was actually a quiet evening, thanks to the right attitude of the Viennese police officers, but especially the female police officers. We appreciate that. On the other hand: “Respect and applause for Austria!” This or something similar was the commentary on Turkish television yesterday. One should not exaggerate.

I noticed that there are leaders among them who get the crowd to chant slogans. These young people have no political ambitions, no political parties or associations behind them. They tried to drive the community back and forth. They marched back and forth from Favourites between Keplerplatz and Reumenplatz… It ended quietly. Because people didn’t like it. Back and forth, back and forth… The police were very present. Everyone was afraid of the provocateurs, of getting caught up in the crowd. Everything escalated because a lot had happened in the last few minutes on Reumanplatz. People and their families started leaving within an hour. You can celebrate anywhere. Turkey could lose the next games. What then? You should really stay calm and be humble. Especially after such “Turkey-Austria” games in Austria.

Beforehand, the match was shown on many screens in the Kursalon, where business people and some ministers were present. Before the match, I had the opportunity to briefly ask Finance Minister Magnus Brunner how he assessed the result: “I’m predicting 3:1 for Austria.”

Birol Kilic (left) with Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (right) at the Kursalon.

At this economic evening, which happened to take place on July 2nd, I observed, heard and learned a lot. It was a painful defeat for many on this evening, when the Austrian team was the favorite against Turkey and would perhaps achieve consistent success for the first time in 50 years, perhaps even become European champions. I was excited, and believe me, it wasn’t easy for me either, because my favorite was also Austria. After the game, I met the finance minister again by chance and we said goodbye with a friendly handshake.

What I will never forget from this evening…

But there is one thing I observed and, with your permission, would like to briefly tell you about that evening, which I will never forget.

You’ve seen the cover.

Three young women celebrated for Austria among the Turks on the favourites after the Austria-Turkey match 2:1…

The husband of one is there, next to two Austrians…

Question: “What are you doing here in Favorites?”

-“We celebrate for Austria.”

“But Austria lost. Here come the Viennese Turks.”

-“We’re still celebrating.”

They briefly go to the English bar, whose owners are also Viennese Turks, while the Turkish fans parade through Favoriten. A short time later they come back. Meanwhile I notice something… The women are speaking Turkish.

Question: “You speak Turkish, but…”

-“Yes, we are Austrians with Turkish roots. This is my husband. Austrian. We are celebrating for Austria with my three siblings and my husband and friends (all Austrians). We are not giving up.”

The young women from Vienna with Turkish roots celebrate for Austria…

I will not forget that!

This makes my Vienna even more beautiful.

It takes time, but everything will be fine.

2024-07-03 12:12:14

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