the thwarted ambitions of Emmanuel Macron

by time news

2023-10-09 11:00:10
Emmanuel Macron arrives at the Constitutional Council, for the 65th anniversary of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, in Paris, October 4, 2023. CYRIL BITTON/DIVERGENCE POUR “LE MONDE”

Striking paradox: by celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Fifth Republic on October 4, Emmanuel Macron exalted the capacity to act that the Constitution offers to the head of state. However, in the same speech, the President of the Republic promised to open the “construction site for a new stage of decentralization”. A promise he has made regularly for six years.

The head of state is however perfectly aware of the stakes. He recalled it again on October 4: “Our entire territorial architecture needs to be rethought. Because, for forty years, the ideal of local democracy has organized the encroachment, sometimes competition, the coexistence in any case, of communities and the State, sometimes of communities among themselves, without the tangle of skills is not really decided. » An organization “which is confusing and costly, and dilutes responsibilities”he had already pointed out in Pointend of August.

An unvarnished observation, close to that established by the Court of Auditors in March. Drawing lessons from forty years of decentralization, she deplored the fact that governments follow “fluctuating and, on certain points, contradictory priorities”. Of course, they pass laws. But “abundant and almost continuous legislative movement” East “lacking any real guideline and therefore overall coherence”. Not only have the problems not been resolved, but the State no longer seems to have a clear line. “The status quo is not sustainable”then considered the Court of Auditors, asking “an ambitious reform”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Decentralization: the Court of Auditors calls for an ambitious reform

Because the maquis of territorial organization is deleterious for the republican pact. “This unfinished decentralization produces inefficiency for public action”, lamented Emmanuel Macron on October 4. And it feeds citizens’ distrust, he thinks. “Who is responsible for what, when and how are those responsible designated, what tax contributes to what public service? A large majority of French people no longer know the answers to these simple questions”he noted.

Accumulation of technical measures

The Head of State is therefore convinced: we need clear and radical decentralization. He calls this “real decentralization”, that is to say the transfer of competence, financing, the capacity to set the rules and responsibility. Local elected officials must be able to act and be held accountable. Which also implies reforming the role of the State at the local level.

However, the decentralization policy implemented since 2017 resembles a series of missed appointments. The 2018 constitutional reform project was swept away by the Benalla affair. An attempt at a rebound the following year was bogged down.

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