The Thyssen unfolds its spell in Shanghai

by time news

2023-06-05 14:35:47

Raphael’s ‘Portrait of a young man’, Van Gogh’s ‘Arles descarreadores’, Chagall’s ‘Virgin of the village’, Rubens’ ‘Venus and Cupid’… up to 70 representative works from the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum are traveling to Shanghai for a major exhibition opening on June 22 at the Pudong Museum of Art. The selection of paintings, which can be seen in China’s economic capital until November 12, runs through six centuries of western artfrom the Renaissance to the European and North American art of the 20th century.

It’s about the first time that such an important set of works from the museum has left Spain to “show and make known to the Chinese public the richness and variety of its collections and Spanish artistic heritage, promoting its international dissemination and strengthening cultural ties with the People’s Republic of China”, they explain from the Thyssen.

Produced by Shanghai Lujiazui Development Company Limited, the exhibition ‘The Greats of Six Centuries: Masterpieces from the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza’ is part of the events for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Spain and China and has the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Spanish Embassy in China and the Cervantes Institute.

He Museum of Art Pudong (MAP), a modern building designed by the Ateliers Jean Nouvel team that opened its doors in July 2021, will invite visitors to learn about genres, artists, schools or movements that are particularly well represented at the Thyssen, such as portraiture and landscape, Dutch and American painting, impressionism, expressionism or the first avant-garde.

‘The Downloaders of Arles’ by Van Gogh

Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum

Divided in eight paragraphsthe itinerary will start with ‘The faces of the Renaissance‘, a window on portraiture in northern and southern Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries, by masters such as Rogier van der Weyden, Bernhard Strigel, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Rafael, Correggio or Bronzino.

In the second chapter, dedicated to the baroque painting from the 16th and 17th centuries, will present paintings of landscapes, still lifes, interiors or paintings of animals by artists such as Ruisdael, Hobbema, Peter de Hooch and Val de Velde, among others, as well as works on historical and mythological themes such as ‘Venus and Cupid’ by Rubens and French Baroque.

‘The 18th century in Europe’ It will look towards Italy, with views of Canaletto’s Venice, although there will also be space for French artists such as Watteau or the English school of portraitists such as Reynolds.

Courbet, Manet and Pissarro will be other masters represented in the section dedicated to 19th century French realism and impressionismwhich will reach Van Gogh’s subjective representation of nature and the decorative nature of Bonnard’s painting.

The importance of landscape in 19th century American artwith works by Prendergast or Chase, will give way to the chapter dedicated to 20th century expressionism in Europe, with works by Matisse, Kirchner or Kandinsky and work by Russian artists such as Larionov or Chagall.

The tour will continue with works of the cubist tradition from Braque to Italian Futurism, passing through the French Fernand Léger, the American Feininger or the Hungarian Bortnyik or Huszár.

The final touch to the sample will show the postwar european and american artwith works of different styles, from the abstract expressionism of Georgia O’Keeffe, to the birth of pop art with James Rosenquist, or the survival of realism in the paintings of Andrew Wyeth or Raphael Soyer.

#Thyssen #unfolds #spell #Shanghai

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