“The Tidö Agreement and Pushing for Stronger Sweden: Sweden Democrats Leader, Jimmie Åkesson’s Spring Speech Criticizing EU Membership and Promising Not to Act as a Support Party After 2026 Parliamentary Election”

by time news

In his traditional spring speech at Långholmen in Stockholm, Åkesson stated that the Tidö agreement must be followed to the last letter in its concrete parts, and it is the basis for the government sitting where it sits. He reminded that compromises are necessary since SD received just over 20 percent of the votes in the election. However, he assured his voters that SD will not act as a support party after the 2026 parliamentary election but will either be a government party or an opposition party. Åkesson also criticized the Moderates, who stood behind the EU’s asylum and migration pact, which challenges the whole principle of a nation’s right to decide for itself who will live within the country’s borders. In a debate article in Aftonbladet earlier this week, Åkesson evaluated EU membership and believes it is becoming a “straitjacket” for Sweden. During his speech, he pointed out that the EU limits Sweden’s action power in many areas, including the issue of farm sales of alcohol.

– The Tidö agreement is a basis from which we, together with the government, intend to act to build Sweden strong again. It is an agreement that must be followed, down to the last letter in the parts that are concrete. And if it doesn’t, it ceases to be an agreement. It just makes perfect sense. Then the basis for the government sitting where it sits ends, says Åkesson during his traditional spring speech at Långholmen in Stockholm.

He reminds that SD received just over 20 percent of the votes in the election and that compromises are therefore necessary.

– One thing we must be clear about, the Sweden Democrats will fight for every millimetre, says Åkesson.

He also promises his voters that SD will not act as a support party after the 2026 parliamentary election.

– After the next election at the latest, the Sweden Democrats are either a government party or an opposition party. We will not act as a support party for any government that we do not sit in ourselves.

Åkesson continues that through “tough, protracted negotiations, the party succeeded in getting basically the entire migration policy of the Sweden Democrats” through the Tidö Agreement, and at the same time directs criticism at the Moderates because the party stood behind the EU’s asylum and migration pact.

– Then we suddenly see how surprisingly the Moderates’ members in the European Parliament are acting for something completely different, choosing to act for a so-called migration pact across the entire Union with mandatory redistribution, says the SD leader.

– It will destroy everything we have agreed with the government if it becomes reality. We can never accept that of course, it is a pact that challenges the whole principle of a nation’s right to decide for itself who will live within the country’s borders.

Earlier this week wrote Åkesson in a debate article in Aftonbladet that it is time to evaluate EU membership, which he believes is becoming a “straitjacket” for Sweden.

During Saturday’s speech, the SD leader says that the list of areas where the EU limits Sweden’s action power can be made “as long as you like”. Among other things, he points to the issue of farm sales of alcohol, something the Tidö parties agree to introduce.

– Then the EU says that you are welcome to have it, but then you have to remove the alcohol monopoly. There are probably some who think it’s good in and of itself, if you just like Heineken at 7-Eleven or something like that, but I’m not one of them. It is completely unreasonable for the EU to get involved in such a matter. It is clear that if we want farm sales and an alcohol monopoly, we should have it.

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