the times of the crisis

by time news

2023-05-10 02:00:00

The times to renew the national government are reduced, but the social crisis is increasing, driven by an overwhelming inflationary process, connected to relentless financial and political pressure imposed on us by the IMF (“El IMF y la Política”, LA GACETA, 21 /02/22) for an unsustainable and unpayable debt for the Argentine people. The President, who was never there, did not understand or listen to the warnings about future risks (but signed the agreement), must move and not hinder the administration of President Lula Da Silva (“Lula and Russia”, LA GACETA, 04/20/ 23) that within Unasur seeks a cooperation agreement, with sustainable development but with social justice. The political stature of the President of Brazil made important and immediate agreements possible with China, which allowed us to use the swap in yuan, to meet import commitments with the Asian giant, without having to resort to the dollar. Completing the aid requires a bridge loan, between Brazilian and Argentine companies, through a guarantee instrument, which allows optimizing the use of local currencies in bilateral trade, avoiding 100% payment with reserves. Outside of Latin America, intermediation with the Asian giant aroused US concern for the advancement of diplomatic and trade relations between China and our country, something that President Alberto Fernández, despite the crisis, never dared to initiate. . In summary, if Trump, for Macri to win an election, put the Argentine people in an unpayable debt, because the sovereign cannot resort to the creator of world trade, who respects the logic of not negotiating at a loss, and can help us get out of the crisis, without ideological, military or financial conditions.

#times #crisis

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