The tomography room of the Baca Ortiz Hospital is strengthened for the timely diagnosis of diseases and injuries in children – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Quito, April 6, 2023

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP) inaugurated the tomography room at the Baca Ortiz Pediatric Hospital (HPBO) which has a new state-of-the-art tomograph that will perform around 5,000 pediatric studies per year in this emblematic health center located in Quito , province of Pichincha.

José Ruales, Minister of Public Health and Carmen Guerrero, Vice Minister of Health; and the authorities of the Hospital, presented the project that allowed the friendly adaptation with the pediatric patient of this service, as well as the installation of the new equipment.

The national health authority highlighted that 10 CT scanners have been delivered nationwide between 2022 and 2023. They are installed in the Hospital de Durán, Verdi Cevallos de Portoviejo; Homero Castanier Crespo in Azogues; Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante Children’s Hospital in Guayaquil; Isidro Ayora de Loja; General in Macas; Hospital Abel Gilbert Pontón, among others. “The delivery of tomographs is carried out within the framework of strengthening health services focused on adequate supply and equipment,” added Ruales.

The scanner was donated by the Government of Japan under the non-reimbursable international financial assistance program with a lump sum of $6 million.

As of today, the delivery of CT scans and the diagnosis of diseases or injuries in children is optimized. Imaging of various parts of the body will make it easier to detect possible tumors in the abdomen, heart abnormalities, location of clots that could lead to a stroke, and other conditions.

“These changes allow the Hospital to have state-of-the-art technology to reach accurate diagnoses. We invested around $20,000 to re-adapt this space and guarantee a friendly environment in comprehensive care for our patients”, stressed the manager of the nursing home, Natalia Alvaro.

Greta Muñoz, Hospital Assistance Director, thanked the management carried out “which strengthens the problem-solving capacity of this health establishment with technology of the highest level.”

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