The tool against wrinkles and cellulite

by time news


The use of collagen supplements is trending in beautyland and that’s not surprising. The results are astonishing. People swear by the benefits of daily collagen use to stimulate natural collagen production. Scientifically shown to maintain skin elasticity, make skin smoother, softer and more supple, reduce wrinkles and lines and fade the appearance of cellulite. The Norwegian Oslo Skin Lab has convinced many women with The Solution™ Beauty Collagen to slow down the process of skin aging and make the skin fresher, with fantastic results. Fashionchicks Jane (34) is still very enthusiastic after two years of daily use.


The protein collagen is naturally present in your connective tissue and ensures that your skin is firm and elastic. Unfortunately, collagen production already decreases by 1-2% per year from the age of 25 and the natural aging process starts. The more you come into contact with UV radiation, the faster that process goes and you can see that in your skin in the form of lines and wrinkles. By using a collagen supplement like The Solution™, you can stimulate the body’s production of collagen, filling those lines and wrinkles and making them less visible.

The Solution™

The supplement consists of 2.5 grams of hydrolyzed collagen in powder form and comes in a sachet – also very handy for on the go or when traveling! It’s odorless and tasteless, so you can just mix it with your food or drink; make it an easy-to-remember daily routine and add it to your morning coffee, tea or smoothie bowl, for example. The powder is then digested into small molecules that reach the skin through your small intestine and bloodstream. Skin cells are made from within, so what you eat and drink is reflected in the health of your skin. Not only in the skin of your face, but also on the rest of your body. With a collagen supplement you ensure that your skin gets and maintains a better condition, especially if you start taking it between the ages of 25-30.


Collagen also helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite. This is a skin condition that causes pits, indentations on the thighs, buttocks and hips – more commonly known as orange peel. It is mainly visible when your muscles relax. But aging and thinning skin can also contribute to the visibility of cellulite, as can sagging skin due to sun damage, pregnancy or weight loss. Unfortunately, most of our cellulite is due to female hormones, so there’s little we can do about it. Collagen supplements can also smoothen and tighten cellulite skin, especially in combination with a healthy lifestyle and plenty of exercise.


And that really works! It is not only apparent from scientific research, but I see it myself. Two years ago I started using The Solution™ from Oslo Skin Lab and I never want to stop. It’s the start of my day: one sachet in a cup of fresh ginger-turmeric-lemon tea. The visible results? Less deep forehead wrinkles, few wrinkles around my eyes and indeed less cellulite on my thighs. I play sports a lot, but I used to do that too and then those pits remained a lot more visible. It gives me a good feeling and – in combination with good skincare, a lot of sleep and make-up – a beautiful glow. So I would recommend it to everyone. Oslo Skin Lab gives you no less than 50% discount on the first package of the non-binding membership, on subsequent packages you will receive a standard 30% discount as a member. Use the discount code fashionchick.

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