The tools to get out of the vicious circle of ruminations

by time news
Against ruminations, first step: observe yourself ruminating by identifying the emotions that go through us. Otobieshutterb/Adobe stock.

PSYCHOLOGY – These negative thoughts that go around in a loop prevent us from moving forward and weigh on our mental health. Several techniques can be used to overcome this.

“Why has Adrien told me nothing since I gave him my report? He didn’t like it, that’s for sure. I shouldn’t have volunteered. I knew I wouldn’t make it. It’s over for the raise I was hoping for…” It happens to (almost) everyone: a dose of thoughts distorted by emotions and beliefs, a pinch of self-deprecation, a hint of negative anticipation and voila… We ruminate. When they are punctual, these worries have a moderate impact on our lives. But if they are recurrent, how to get out of them?

These incessant ruminations become “negative repetitive thoughts (PRN)”according to Céline Baeyens, professor of clinical psychology and psychopathology, co-author of Behavioral activation (Mardaga). They then affect mood, sleep, relationships with others… In addition, “the older the habit of ruminating, the more the neuronal trace – that is, the imprint in the brain –…

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