The torchlight procession finally authorized in Paris brings together a few hundred members of the ultra-right

by time news

Banned by the police headquarters (PP) and then finally authorized by the Paris administrative court, the torchlight march organized by the ultra-right movement took place on Saturday January 7 in the capital. Some 350 people took part, said a police source.

” Victoire ! Our interim release has just ended, the administrative court authorizes our march. This year again and despite political pressure, we will honor Saint Geneviève”patroness of Paris, had written on Twitter the organizing association Paris Fierté who claimed in another message nearly 500 participants. “Gérald Darmanin wanted to deny our story, we reminded him”is it written.

In a press release, the police headquarters announced Thursday that “in the current context, due to the high risk of disturbances to public order, and moreover the significant mobilization of the police forces that day on several events, the safety of the participants in the march and residents could not be fully assured”.

Read also: A torchlight march of the ultra-right planned for Saturday in Paris prohibited by the prefect of police

Several events planned in the capital

This Saturday, several demonstrations were therefore planned in the streets of the capital: a march organized by the Kurdish community in tribute to three activists killed in 2013 in Paris, as well as several processions of “yellow vests”.

According to another police source, the focus had also been placed on the context of surveillance of the ultra-right, with incidents that occurred during the semi-final of the Football World Cup which had opposed France to Morocco. Incidents had already occurred during the last edition of the Paris Pride march, on January 15, 2022.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Who are the far-right activists arrested after the France-Morocco match?

The World with AFP

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