The tourism sector in Catalonia: 12% of GDP

by time news

2023-07-01 21:21:03

BarcelonaThe tourism sector is one of the economic mainstays of Catalonia. This sector contributes 12% of Catalonia’s GDP and almost 13% of jobs, despite the fact that there is still work to be done: the temporary rate in the sector is 21.2%, four points above the overall economy

The covid-19 pandemic hit this sector hard due to closures and mobility restrictions. But the recovery has been fast and all forecasts point to 2023 breaking all the records in the sector. Of course, with one subject still pending: the change of model towards a more sustainable tourism, of higher quality, in which fewer visitors spend more.

In the Spanish context, the Court of Auditors has indicated that the tourism improvement and competitiveness plan drawn up by the Spanish government after the coronavirus “failed to alleviate the adverse effects of the pandemic as intended”, because it was not they implemented the measures in form and time”. In July 2020, the Spanish executive presented the Tourism Sector Boost Plan, with a budget of 4,262 million euros. The Court of Auditors has pointed out that, with in general, most of the measures of the pillar related to competitive improvement “have not been implemented in the form and time frame”. After completing its analysis, the body has concluded that the action of the State Secretariat for Tourism “has not has been effective” in developing the planned measures in quantity, quality and time.

The tourism situation in Catalonia is as follows:

Foreign tourists

The arrival of foreign tourists is recovering after the impact of the pandemic. However, 2022 did not reach the record levels of 2019, but forecasts for this 2023 are that all records will be broken.

Evolution of the arrival of foreign tourists in Catalonia

Annual data in millions

Foreign tourists left more than 16,000 million euros in Catalonia last year. A lower number than in 2019, but in clear recovery after the drop in 2020 and 2021 due to covid-19.

Expenditure of foreign tourists in Catalonia

Annual data in millions of euros

Spanish tourism, above pre-pandemic levels

The number of visitors from the rest of the State to Catalonia also fell with the pandemic, but the recovery has been faster than in the case of foreign tourism and pre-covid levels are already being exceeded.

Overnight stays for Spanish travelers in Catalonia

Annual data in millions

Not only has the number of Spanish visitors increased, but their average spending in Catalonia has increased and is above pre-pandemic levels.

Expenditure per person of Spanish travelers in Catalonia

Annual data on the average expenditure per person in euros

El Prat and the port, the entrance gates

El Prat airport and the port of Barcelona are the two main gateways for tourists. The number of travelers passing through the airport is recovering, while cruise arrivals are improving, but more slowly.

Evolution of passengers at El Prat airport

Annual data in millions

Evolution of cruise passengers in the port of Barcelona

Annual data in millions

The recovery of tourist places and employment, at a good pace

The pandemic also affected tourist places, but in 2022 a significant recovery was already noticeable, which in 2023 is increasing at a good pace, especially in campsites. The same goes for employment in the sector, which exceeds 40,000 people.

Tourist establishments in Catalonia

Annual data (2023 is up to April)

Tourist places in Catalonia

Annual data (2023 is up to April)

Employees in tourist establishments in Catalonia

Annual data (2023 is up to April)

Source: INE, Aena and Barcelona Port Authority / Graphics: Eduard Forroll Isanda


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