The Traffic Law announces the most expensive summer in fines

by time news

Juan Roig Value




Since March 2022, the traffic regulations have been tightened. This is part of the initiative of the General Directorate of Traffic to reduce the number of accidents in 2022, a situation that is not reversing, since so far in 2022 there have already been 511 deaths on interurban roads, 18% more.

In the past, Traffic’s main enemy had been driving under the influence of substances, but now it’s distractions. In fact, it is estimated that use multiplies by four the chances of having an accident, being comparable to alcohol consumption.

As confirmed by the VII Radiography of the Mobility Habits of the Spanish conducted by the Mobility Forum promoted by Alphabet, 45% of Spaniards say they use their mobile while driving.

For this reason and given the increase in displacement in the coming days, due to the operation leaving San Juan, the first in the summer, it is worth recalling the new sanctions introduced.

Driving while holding or manipulating mobile phone devices carries a penalty of up to 6 points on the driver’s license and implies a fine of 200 euros.

But this is not the only one. In fact, if all the innovations introduced in the new regulations are breached, the fine could rise to more than 1,700 euros, compared to the previous summer.

It is true that it is difficult to comply with all the sanctions at the same time – and that doing so would mean worse consequences than the sum of all the fines – but doing so would result in a particularly expensive summer, without counting gasoline prices.

Specifically, it would be an invoice of 1,700 euros, without counting the deductions of points from the card. Here are the detailed amounts of the new changes in the Traffic and Road Safety Law of 2022.

Carry the mobile in your hand: 200 euros and six card points. The DGT has focused on distractions at the wheel in the reform of the law, since it is the main cause of accidents, its use is widespread and the previous regulation did not contemplate it.

Not wearing a seatbelt: 200 euros and four license points. Although this was already contemplated in the repealed legislation, it has been toughened in 2022.

Carry radar detection systems: 200 euros and three card points. Fine prevention technology has advanced faster than the law and its use is already criminalized.

Throwing cigarette butts out the window, or objects that could cause fires or accidents: 200 euros and four card points. Once again, this sanction has been toughened, since before it meant four points, and fire prevention is a priority for the Administration.

Overtaking cyclists without respecting the minimum safety distance (1.5 meters): 200 euros and six card points. Although it was already considered an infraction, it has been toughened for 2022.

Overtaking exceeding the maximum speed of the road: 100 euros. One of the most controversial measures of the new rule, overtaking must be carried out without exceeding the maximum speed. Until now, an additional 20 kilometers per hour was allowed.

Not being in a position to have control of the vehicle at all times: 100 euros. This fine is ambiguous because it depends on the agent’s assessment. It can mean having a loose dog in the passenger compartment, inappropriate shoes or playing the imaginary drums to the rhythm of music.

Failure to provide assistance on public roads: 500 euros. This is a very serious offense, given that immediate assistance is one of the factors that determine, to a large extent, the mortality of a traffic accident.

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