The traffic light reflects what is paralyzing the whole country

by time news

2023-07-03 17:41:47

That’s called a difficult birth. But now it actually looks as if the federal cabinet will not decide on the budget draft for next year on time, but will at least approve it in good time before the summer break of the Bundestag. But how resilient is this agreement? New disputes can only be avoided with a real consensus, i.e. without a relativizing protocol declaration. Otherwise, it is to be feared that it will become a tormenting retching, as in the case of the heating law.

The traffic light reflects what is paralyzing the whole country. The forces of inertia are great, although the challenges in the inner and outer field of politics are greater than ever. Understandably, many people can no longer hear the keywords associated with this: digitization, climate protection and, of course, the war against Ukraine that Russia started.

But it doesn’t help, these are the central points: When something new appears, the old has to disappear. This applies not least to budgetary policy. If special tasks are added and have to be financed, there is less money left for other things – if the economy is not growing strongly, tax revenues are not bubbling up and the state is not asking citizens and companies to pay more and more. Elementary school should be enough to understand that, one could pointedly point to a former top politician in the SPD.

Manfred Schäfers, Berlin Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 9 Published/Updated: Recommendations: 50 Thorsten Winter Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 14

For a long time, finance minister Christian Lindner’s colleagues in the cabinet showed no insight into what was feasible. Everyone fought for themselves and for the tasks entrusted to them. To a certain extent that is correct. But even here one can exaggerate.

The result is on the one hand satisfactory, as the debt rule of the Basic Law is observed without tax increases, on the other hand it is sobering. Whether Lindner, Federal Chancellor Scholz or Minister for Family Affairs Paus – no one remained without bruises. If this struggle were to end now, it would be a small victory against great forces of persistence.

#traffic #light #reflects #paralyzing #country

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