The Tragic Death of Five-Year-Old Beatrice: Multiple Viral Infections and Organ Failure Shocks Italy

by time news

2024-01-14 08:19:20

The tragic death of a little girl shocked Italy: five-year-old Beatrice was infected with several viruses and doctors fought for her life for days. Vain. Beatrice died of multiple organ failure.

Like “Südtirolnews”, five-year-old Beatrice Angela Gobbo, her mother Francesca and her father Giovanni, both 43 years old, were a small, happy family. Shortly before the turn of the year, however, the misfortune took its disastrous course.

The family had planned a small celebration at their home on New Year’s Eve, to which two other couples and their children, including Beatrice’s best friends, were also invited. But the evening before, Beatrice’s father, Giovanni, fell ill. The first flu symptoms appeared.

Beatrice’s father developed flu symptoms shortly before New Year’s Eve

The Gobbo family decided to move the celebration to the house of one of the other two families. While Giovanni, who suffered from fever and other flu symptoms, had to stay at home, Beatrice and her mother Francesca celebrated the New Year with their friends.

On the afternoon of New Year’s Day the family went to the cinema. Then Beatrice suddenly felt unwell and later developed a fever, whereupon her parents decided to take her to the children’s hospital in Padua. Although Beatrice was initially stabilized in hospital, a number of complications arose in the first few hours, including a cerebral haemorrhage.

Beatrice was stabilized with several transfusions. But in vain: her condition deteriorated rapidly. Despite intensive efforts by doctors in the pediatric intensive care unit, Beatrice died on January 4th.

Simultaneous invasion of four viruses probably caused organ failure

“Südtirolnews” cites initial suspicions that the simultaneous invasion of four viruses, which could have caused multiple organ failure, could be responsible for Beatrice’s death. The grieving parents gave their consent to the organ removal, but clinical examinations showed that the viruses that had affected Beatrice Angela had irreparably damaged all of her organs. An autopsy will now clarify the exact cause of death.

It is currently being investigated whether there is a connection between the flu infection that the girl’s father had at the end of December and the child’s tragic death. According to doctors, there was no connection between Beatrice’s death and the seasonal flu.

#Fiveyearold #infected #viruses #dies #days

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