The Trambaha celebrates half a million passengers rewarding two of its users

by time news

The Tram of the Bay of Cádiz, better known as Trambahía, has exceeded half a million passengers. The Ministry of Development, Articulation of the Territory and Housing wanted to celebrate it by rewarding the first travelers who got on the Trambahía as soon as this figure was reached: Moisés García from Chiclanero and María Ángeles Martínez from the island.


To date, TramBahía has exceeded the 500,000 passenger mark since it was put into service at the end of October. Demand has stabilized in recent weeks with a solid base of 46,000 travelers per week and a daily average of 6,000 travelers/day. Since the start of the project, the Junta de Andalucía has estimated demand for three million passengers per year once the service is fully consolidated.

The Public Works Agency, as manager of Trambahía, is working to improve the transport service, drafting and executing energy and environmental efficiency projects, as well as digitizing its management with European funds, in order to enhance quality of the service and the efficiency of the operation and maintenance of the metropolitan railway. The Trambahía connects the towns of Chiclana de la Frontera, San Fernando and Cádiz capital and runs along a section of regionally owned tramway tracks and another section of state-owned railway track.

The two awarded users have received a recurring voucher from Renfe, with no deposit cost, for the whole year 2023, as well as travel and stay in Granada to visit the Granada Metro, which was the previous metropolitan railway of the Junta de Andalucía that It was put into service in September 2017, and in these more than five years it has established itself as an efficient and quality means of transport.

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