«The transgression? Playing a normal woman »- time.news

by time news
from Stefania Ulivi, sent to Cannes

The actress at the Quinzaine with «Un beau Matin» and competing with the horror «Crimes of the future» by David Cronemberg. “I’ll do Emmanuelle’s kidney, I can’t wait”

“This is my first time playing the part of a normal woman. It is a simple story that many can relate to. I make films with one goal: to touch the hearts of the audience. Being able to do it with a woman like Sandra di A nice morning by Mia Hansen-Løve was a new and exciting experience ». Léa Seydoux knows well that she is the polar opposite of the normal adjective: scion of the aristocracy of French cinema (and also of a noble family), at the age of 36 she is destined to inherit the scepter of queen, conquered through extreme roles, from Adele ‘s life (Palme d’Or in 2013) to Caprice’s Crimes of the future with which David Cronenberg returns to the competition in Cannes, who with his partner Saul Tense (Viggo Mortensen) removes human organs made to grow thanks to a machine as actions of performing art. No wonder the single mother of A nice morningstruggling with her father’s degenerative illness and with a daily life that does not discount – moved to the Quinzaine and acquired for Italy by Theodora – turns out to be an unprecedented experience for her.

Normality, in his case, is a transgression.

“I’m not normal, I know. It is not the work I do, nor my life. I’m out of the ordinary, so Mia’s movie is worth a lot. It also happens to me, as a spectator, that a film reaches my heart. Cinema has made me what I am. What’s more, it helps me to live ».

The film has an autobiographical value for the director, former author of “Bergman Island”, who wrote it after the death of her father.

«It contains many true and contradictory emotions: sadness and pain but also some tender aspects and a new opening to life. And Mia tells it with a strength that she touched me personally, I felt close to her. When we have direct experience of death, strange as it may seem, we are even more driven towards life ».

Mia Hansen-Løve explained that she was struck by her simplicity, Cronenberg instead said that she is kind but fierce. It is recognized?

“I am an actress. I have several shades to show. What matters to me is to feel that there is truth in the character. I’ve never played a superhero but I feel I can be credible in that role too ».

How did you work with Cronenberg?

“I can say that David is a funny and intelligent man. We had so much fun”.

Do you find it different to be directed by a woman or a man?

“Yes, with a director I usually find myself playing an alter ego of the author. While in the case of directors they are the representation of the other, of the opposite, their visual fantasy of a woman. It suits me, they are different points of view ».

You will be the protagonist of the remake of «Emmanuelle» (classic of erotic cinema with Sylvia Kristel), directed by Awdrey Diwan, Golden Lion 2021. What can we expect?

“I am eager to embark with you on this exploration of female nature. What will be? The portrait of a contemporary woman. What I love most on the sets is collaborating, writing the film together with directors and directors. I bring my ideas. I love to collaborate, I don’t like authority. As an actor you are a co-author ».

Do you also think so for Kechiche’s «La vita di Adele»? Almost twenty years have passed since that Palme d’Or and the controversies that followed.

“I think the jury understood that it was the result of a collective work between performers and director and that it was a well-deserved award”.

How do you react if one of your films does not convince critics?

“It happened for My wife’s story by Ildikó Enyedi. For me it is one of the most beautiful I have done, but he did not convince everyone even if when he came out in Paris I received many messages. One by Catherine Deneuve: never happened before. Like a Palme d’Or ».

May 22, 2022 (change May 22, 2022 | 11:16)

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