The transition towards a circular economy, key in the European business agenda | Environmental News

by time news

2023-07-12 10:03:48

Forética has organized the sixth edition of the meeting ‘Circular Economy Business Forum‘ Within the framework of the ‘Circular Economy Action Group’ – a benchmark business platform in Spain in this area – which it leads with 15 large companies -Airbus, Grupo Antolín, EDP, Endesa, Ecoembes, Holcim, Iberostar, L’Oréal, Mahou San Miguel, Naturgy, Nestlé, Redeia, Repsol, Saica and SAP. The meeting addressed the main advances in this field at a European level and its implications for companies.

Despite the important objectives that are being achieved in terms of circularitythe global economy is today only 7.2% circular, as highlighted by the Circularity Gap Report 2023. A systemic transformation of the current model of production and consumption to reduce the amount of extracted resources and decrease the waste producedwhich currently account for 50% of the total volume of extracted resources.

For this reason, the circular economy has become one of the priorities on the political and business agenda of the European Union. The Sustainability Plan that accompanies the environmental commitment of the Spanish Presidency of the EU, which began on July 1, has among its main lines of action promoting the sustainable use of resources and the reduction of waste to promote the circular economy.

In this commitment to promote circular action, measuring business circularity becomes a fundamental element in setting ambitious goals. To support companies in this area, within the framework of the ‘VI Circular Economy Business Forum’, Forética has presented the document ‘Circularity accountability: a practical guide for measurement’. The guide establishes six steps for measuring the integration of the circular economy in companies: strategy and planning, selection of indicators, information gathering, measurement, objectives, commitment, performance and reporting.

During the ‘VI Circular Economy Business Forum’, the main trends in circular economy at a European level were addressed, with the intervention of María Rincón Liévana, Circular Economy team leader of the General Directorate for the Environment of the European Commission. In addition, representatives of the member companies of the Action Group have shared their vision and experience when it comes to integrating the circular economy into their business strategy, as well as in the process of accountability and measurement of circularity.

The Circular Economy Action Group is the business meeting point for leadership, knowledge and dialogue to value the importance of developing circular business models. In previous editions, the Action Group presented a position document that includes a series of recommendations to accelerate business action towards a more circular Spain in 2030, articulated under three axes that will be key to changing the model that allows progress towards an ecosystem more circular: the improvement of governance, the acceleration of action and the promotion of impact alliances. In addition, Forética published within the framework of the Action Group the reports ‘Innovation and financing: the
pillars for circular transformation’ and ‘Maximum circular ambition for the Decade of Action’.

The Action Group also worked on addressing the business transition to the new economy of plastics, with the following reports published: ‘Business ambition to move towards the new economy of plastics’ and ‘The reality of plastics: myths and truths’. He also addressed metrics and indicators, after collaborating with the WBCSD on the guide for CEOs on the circular economy.

Source: Forética

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