The Treasury expects to enter Girona by 11% more than in the previous income campaign

by time news

The Tax Agency expects to enter 354 million euros in the Girona counties during the tax return campaign that started yesterday. This figure assumes 11.2% more than last yearwhen the Treasury received 328 million.

With regard to the amount to be returned to tax payers, the figures from the Tax Agency’s branch in Girona indicate that this will decrease compared to the previous year. treasury plans to return 147 million to Girona taxpayers, 5.4% less than last year. This difference would constitute a collection net of 217 million euros in the demarcation during the tax declaration campaign, 26.1% more than a year ago.

It is planned that this campaign of the IRPF a total of 386,471 declarations were submitted to the Girona delegation, 3.2% more than the previous year. Of this total, 48%, 186,858, are expected to be entitled to a refund, 7.2% less.

Yesterday opened the deadline to confirm or modify and submit online the personal income tax return for the year 2022 (IRPF) and refunds will start in just 48 hours, this Thursday.

Four million in Catalonia

As for Catalonia, Treasury expects to close the income campaign with a net result of 2,123 million eurossince the amount to be paid in by Catalan taxpayers, about 3,797 million euros, is expected to be much higher than the result to be returned, amounting to 1,674 million.

This is at least the forecast of the Tax Agency, which in the previous campaign, that of 2021, obtained a net result of 1,869 million in Catalonia, so in the campaign it expects to enter 13.59% more.

L‘Tax Agency expects 4.01 million declarations in Catalonia, 3% more than in the previous IRPF campaign. In Catalonia, 1.76 million positive declarations are expected, that is to say, 11.4% more to be paid; 2.03 million more declarations entitled to a refund, 3.5% less, and 208,000 negative – when the result is equal to zero – or of another type, 5.4% more.

60% with the right to return

As for the whole of Spain, the Tax Agency expects to receive 16,448 million euros, 5.6% more compared to the previous year, while the amount to be returned will fall by 2.4%, up to 9,946 million. A total of 22,899,000 declarations are expected to be submitted during this campaign, 3.4% more than the previous year. Of this total, 60% – 13,600,000, 2% less – for an estimated amount of 9,946 million euros are expected to be entitled to a refund.

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