The trial in which the president of the pharmaceutical multinational Boheringer Ingelheim was summoned is suspended

by time news

The Andalusian city of Granada (Spain) was going to be the scene today, March 30, of the first trial against a pharmaceutical multinational, Boheringer Ingelheimby leak of personal and health data from public health systems. I count them.

The lawsuit began five years ago based on the confessions of a former employee of the German multinational, named Rafael Fernandezwhich denounced the possible trafficking of confidential data of patients from the public health systems of Extremadura and Andalusia.

per time first in Spain the owner of one of the most important pharmaceutical multinationals in the world would appear in the Social Court number 2 of Granada next March 30.

But the aforementioned Court has postponed the conciliation act and the trial scheduled for this Thursday at the request of the company.

We will have to wait and see what happens because it is clear that at Boheringer They don’t want to know anything of the matter. Today several large media reported the news and the pharmaceutical company knows that all eyes are on them.

They had been summoned the head of Boehringer, Christian Boehringer and the head of the Sanitary Inspection Service in the Ministry of Health of Extremadura, Laureano Marin Lingerie.

The summons of CEO of Boehringer Ingelheim for “judicial confession”, the celebration of “acts of conciliation and trial in his case” and the “contribution of all the means of proof that he tries to use” -as stated in the summons- are for the lawsuit filed in the social route for this brave worker.

The German multinational must respond, sooner rather than later, for the alleged leak of professional, personal and health documents and data, specially protected by lawwhich would be a clear violation of the fundamental right to privacy of numerous patients and public officials of the health system of at least two regions of Spain, Extremadura and Andalusia.

The appearance of the two responsible parties is a fundamental part of the process that the worker has kept open against his company since 2017 due to the continuous receipt of images, documents, patient data and some 350 health professionals.

A fact that the worker immediately brought to the attention of senior managers of different departments of the pharmaceutical company as it was particularly sensitive data sent by commercial managers of his company.

Despite the disclosure of the facts to all those responsible and also to other Institutions, the worker only received a response from the delegate of Data Protection of the Public Health System of Andalusia, a simple “we will act accordingly”.

So they are not ruled out criminal proceedings for the damages caused to the parties affected by the violation of personal and professional data and, specifically, to the company worker, who has suffered important health problems since 2017.

Fernández worked at the aforementioned pharmaceutical company for 30 years. It all started when this employee, who I worked as a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical company before the health administrations in Andalusia and Extremadura and was dedicated to trying to influence policies that could pose barriers to the interests of Boehringer, he began to receive from his company illegally extracted documentation.

The lawsuit ensures that they were “documents and internal communications from the regional health services of these regions, screenshots of computer systems with data from patients and public officials, with medical records of patients, medical visas for drugs«.

Fernández “warned the health authorities and denounced it in the courts of Justice and has continued to persevere in all processes.

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