The tribunal should not punish the entire audience

by time news

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Moran Meiri and Alona Barkat

Moran Meiri and Alona Barkat

(Hagai Michaeli)

The Football Association today (Tuesday) launched a football referees training course of the Israel Bar Association, in memory of the former referee, the late Adv. Eitan Solomon, at an event held in Bloomfield. Dozens of lawyers have already registered and will begin the course. The course is held to promote the values ​​of the Bar Association, which has regretted the fight against violence in sports and football fields. The lawyers who will be trained to judge football matches will promote the message that preventing violence in sports is a top value.

Among the participants on the eve of the launch were the chairman of the association, Oren Hasson, the head of the Bar Association, Adv. Avi Chimi, the chairman of the Judges’ Association, Ronit Tirosh, the chairman of the Central District, Adv. Adv. Raz Nazri, and Hanan Danzinger. In addition, Alon Hazan, Uriel Greenfeld, Alona Barkat, Adv. Hadas Forer, Adv. Ari Shamai and Adv. Moran Meiri participated.

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(Hagai Michaeli)

The event was opened by an attorney Avi Chimi, The head of the Bar Association, who thanked all involved and said: “There is a close connection between the world of football and the world of law. It’s a team sport, we in the offices are also a team but the individual has great significance, only the individual can put in the goal in the end but whoever only loves himself the team and the firm condemn it, there is great importance to competitiveness but I guess this precedent course which is first of many will bring lawyers Let’s start being football referees in the lower leagues in the kids’ leagues, I have a dream of being a referee in the Champions League but we’ll start with the kids and see where we get. Every Sunday we see on ONE criticism of the Referees Association, do not worry there is also criticism of Israeli referees, but both systems do a good job and I hope the project will instill good values ​​of fairness of equality of sporting spirit I am proud to be here today and I wish all of us success ”.

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Ronit TiroshRonit Tirosh

Ronit Tirosh

(Hagai Michaeli)

Chairman of the Judges’ Association, Ronit Tirosh, She said: “I was happy to hear about the project. There is no better way to commemorate a person than through a project that is all about values ​​and investment in young people. As a society, we have a lot of problems, physical, sexual and priestly violence, all this has been overcome because of the corona. Children sat at home, feeling lonely, anxious, that the end of the world was approaching and all the aggression suddenly came out as if there was no tomorrow, and what was worse was that there was no responsible adult to guide them. I think the choice of football and the emphasis on refereeing is wise and correct because it is the most popular industry and watching it encompasses all sectors of Israeli society and there is nothing like recruiting value-based people, who will lead the youth indirectly, through sports. As a school principal I made sure to develop sports and coaches would come to understand how I see the added value, and I said that through sports one can instill values ​​of tolerance, respect and not violence. I wish you success in this all-important operation. “

Deputy Attorney General, Adv Raz Nizri, He said: “This is an interesting and important idea, a social evidence that the Bar Association comes down from the ivory tower and deals with other things. There are many different things between the types of judges. Referees in court can choose their own way, with all the difficulty they have votes and advantages over the football referee, who does not have time to consult and read materials and it produces differences. This week a bill came up to film court hearings, in the end it was decided not to, in football fields it already happens and every decision is controlled immediately and it is difficult and complex. There are also a lot of things in common, maybe in the courtroom not cursing, but also in the courtroom there are claims of a losing side. In any case, this is a beautiful step. “

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Sapir BermanSapir Berman

Sapir Berman

(Hagai Michaeli)

Hanan Danziger, The Deputy Head of the Sports Administration at the Ministry of Culture and Sports, said: “As a football fan with a subscription, this is a step that will bring about change, it will pave the way for a revolution in the world of football. Coincidentally or not, the minister aims to eradicate violence and we sit down with the police and other parties to find the best way to eradicate the violence, so that it will be an experience and pleasure to come and watch football. “

Doe Solomon, The sister of the late Adv. Eitan, signed the speeches and said: “I want to thank you for the exciting event. Eitan was a judge and a member of the Sharon region, educated a generation of judges and was a person with a good soul, outstanding, humble, humble, helpful to every person. I chose to end with the lyrics of Hannah Szenes describing the venture: ‘There are stars whose light comes to earth only when they themselves are lost and are not, there are people whose memory illuminates when they themselves are no longer within us. These lights, which shine in the darkness of the night, are the ones that show a person the way. ‘ Thank you all”.

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Ayala SalomonAyala Salomon

Ayala Salomon

(Hagai Michaeli)

Liran Wexberger, The chairman of the professional committee of the referees ‘union said: “I want to talk about the passion for the profession, this is the most important component in football refereeing. I met an acquaintance here, a 52-year-old lawyer from Haifa, who told me:’ My son and suddenly I say I have a door to the world and its fullness. It’s a huge thing to see a 52 year old man come to such a venture. I wish us all a fruitful venture. “

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Alona BarkatAlona Barkat

Alona Barkat

(Hagai Michaeli)

Baali Hapoel Beer Sheva, Alona Barkat, She said: “I think we should start from the premise that fans are an asset and not a burden, fans are your partners. I have regular conversations with fans, to understand what is bothering, what is missing, while understanding that the management rights are with us, a lot of problems have been solved thanks to this. We also have an excellent relationship with the police, thanks to which all the sides get along and problems can be solved. A small example, decided not to put in encouragement equipment, but thanks to a dialogue we were able to come forward and the fans cooperate fully. I believe that open discourse solves many things. “

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Moran Meiri and Alona BarkatMoran Meiri and Alona Barkat

Moran Meiri and Alona Barkat

(Hagai Michaeli)

Barkat continued: “For us, the changes took place out of an inner recognition by the audience that they want to have other experiences, to bring the family together, it became a wonderful show. When consciousness came out of you then the change took place, it happened even before we got to Turner, the new stadium just took it to other districts. “Our fans are partners, that’s how we see them and treat them, not everything is rosy, but even when problems arise, the best way to solve them is through conversation.”

More Moran Meiri, The legal adviser of Maccabi Tel Aviv, said: “You can talk for hours about the vicarious liability. I can not say that it does not work, but it should work in the right dose. For example at the time I asked to abolish the radius penalty, it is almost non-existent in Europe, These things. You have to go to a punitive penalty, invest in it and find, without much effort, the culprits themselves. All the fans. “

Coach of the young team, Alon Hazan, He said: “When talking about violence and dealing with it, this is a personal example. When a coach or player, who pays to watch them, fans of course want to see a professional aspect but also to see an athlete. When you act like a brat you ignite the fans and make them think they are allowed to act like you. A personal example is best suited to lower the level of violence. Do not know what the definition of violence is, but when parents are considering sending a child or verbal violence it is violence. We need to set a personal example. “I do not know how many footballers I will be able to bring out, but I will try to instill in them the best values ​​there are and I hope they will benefit me, both as players and as human beings.”

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Alon HazanAlon Hazan

Alon Hazan

(Hagai Michaeli)

the judge Ural Greenfeld He said: “I refereed the State Cup final without a crowd and that’s a good point, because when there was no crowd it made the game less nervous, fewer offenses, less protests and less waste of time, that the players wanted to show less. We as judges also understand that this or that whistle can hit or calm the audience. Less want to talk about the legislature but about the fans, if we condemn those who behave violently it will stop. These things would not be repeated. “

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Ural GreenfeldUral Greenfeld

Ural Greenfeld

(Hagai Michaeli)

Greenfeld added: “The coaches themselves also use the refereeing team to spur the players and draw the fire. Respect is the important word, the more respect you give you will get back. Two weeks ago I was at a game where the coach was trying to hit the winds, I told him let’s respect each other and he told me acceptable. The UEFA is also trying not to show the violent things, even if a player scores and makes his mouth shut it is a yellow card, so they do not photograph the torches and the fan that breaks out, because it is the brand’s protection. I truly believe that with mutual respect, everyone benefits. “

Ari Shamai, Hapoel Tel Aviv fan, added: “I do not think the media should be censored, I do not think that this condition of UEFA does not show flares or someone breaks into the grass. As a person who is afraid of freedom of expression I am afraid of it. Who will decide that I can not see Fouad breaking into the grass? I think Fouad should have been expelled for 10 years or permanently. I am anxious for freedom of expression, for the protection of privacy. People are sometimes expelled for no reason. The propaganda is that cops are lying. If you want to stay away you have to stay away after an indictment. European football wants to steal football from the people, and I’m afraid it will get here. In football it is permissible to swear. In English football it is forbidden to even stand today. “Football is a game of the people, I am afraid that in a few years it will be forbidden to enter the football fields.”


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