The Trois Cafés Gourmands group announces its separation

by time news

2023-06-27 13:48:00

The trio ends fifteen years of existence and will separate after a last tour, in 2024. The decision came from the singer of the group, who wishes to try a solo career.

By Lise Lacombe for Le Point Jérémy Pauly, Sébastien Gourseyrol and Mylène Madrias, from the Trois Cafés Gourmands group. © Stéphanie Para / MAXPPP / PHOTOPQR/LA MONTAGNE/MAXPPP Published on 06/27/2023 at 1:48 p.m.

Fifteen years of career which will end with a last tour in 2024. This is how the Trois Cafés Gourmands trio will say goodbye to their audience. They announced it during an interview at the Parisian. The decision came from the voice of the group, Mylène Madrias, 35, who chose to take a break before attempting a solo career. She explains that she wants to stop “this lovely adventure” and more than a decade of “common professional life”. She shares “different desires” and a need to take time and “scratch a little further” artistically.

The other two members, Jérémy Pauly and Sébastien Gourseyrol, 37 each, have no idea of ​​their future and what will happen to the group, but are not surprised by Mylène Madrias’ decision. The latter evoked his departure “for a little while”. The three friends, who have known each other since childhood, say they “separate while still having a lot of affection”. The singer’s decision was well received by her friends, the members of the group having promised to “let go” if one of them no longer took pleasure. Sébastien Gourseyrol admits all the same his “naivety” to have believed that “it would last forever”.

A success “as sweet as it is violent”

The Trois Cafés Gourmands group enjoyed success in 2018 with the song “À nos souvenirs”, which now has 260 million views on YouTube. Logically, their first album ranked among the best sellers of the same year – with 200,000 copies. From there, the machine was started. They had then chained the tours and the albums.

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But this success has been difficult to manage. Mylène Madrias thus entrusts au Parisian that it “was as gentle as it was violent”. She remembers not “trivial” life changes. “It went so fast and strong, we barely had time to enjoy it,” she regrets. A success often as dazzling as the descent. The trio’s last two albums were not received as the band had hoped. The singer recognizes it: “We are not going to lie to each other, the results were disappointing. The trio explains these modest results by being “physical disc sellers”. But “the situation for the CD is not good”.

The Trois Cafés Gourmands leave each other without saying goodbye right away. A year of concerts awaits them in 2024. As for the rest of the group without the singer, it remains uncertain. If Jérémy Pauly is waiting to “see how the tour is going”, Sébastien Gourseyrol says he is “determined to open a new page” without knowing yet what form it will take.

#Trois #Cafés #Gourmands #group #announces #separation

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