The trompe l’oeil of the Senate veto

by time news

2023-11-26 10:00:07

There are doubts about the real capacity it will have. the absolute majority of the PP in the Senate to veto the State Budget project that the new Government of Pedro Sánchez has begun to prepare and, incidentally, those of all the autonomous communities and the town halls.

The truth is that the organic budget stability law (2012), in its article 15.6, grants the Senate the ability to veto the three-year path of deficit and debt targets for State, autonomies and local corporations proposed by the Council of Ministers. The approval of this path is a prior step to the approval of budget projectssince each administration has to build its accounts at the service of the corresponding deficit ceiling. The law says that if the Senate vetoes the path, the Government must vote on a new agreement within one month. And so it could be ‘to infinity’. The question is whether, in the meantime, public administrations can move forward in approving their respective Budgets.

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“To veto the deficit and debt objectives is to prevent the autonomous communities or town councils make your own Budgets,” said the spokesperson for the Socialists in the Congress of Deputies, Patxi López, this Thursday.

The idea seems to be installed in the leadership of the PP and PSOE that overturning the path of deficit objectives is equivalent to vetoing the approval of the Budgets, but experts knowledgeable about the law of stability They do not dare to go that far: “The law does not say that explicitly,” they resolve. And they say the same in some of the 14 autonomous communities that have already approved their projects of Budgets (the other three are in it). If the regional governments – 11 of them from the PP – move forward with their accounts despite the absence of approved deficit and debt objectives, why shouldn’t the State be able to do so? Lack of clarity. The question is whether the veto of the path of objectives really blocks the budget process or if this fear is just a trompe l’oeil that is in the interest of agitating everyone.

#trompe #loeil #Senate #veto

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