The true story of potato noisette and a homemade recipe

by time news

Homemade version of noisette potatoes (illustrative image)
Homemade version of noisette potatoes (illustrative image)

The noisette potato is a variety of potato that has become one of the most popular in modern cooking. It is a small, round and perfectly shaped potato, used in a wide variety of dishes, from garnishes to desserts. On this occasion, we will tell you the true story of the potato noisette and we will provide you with a delicious recipe so that you can try it at home.

This style of making potatoes originates from France and was created in the 19th century by a chef named Antoine-Augustin Parmentier. Parmentier is known for being the father of the potato in France, since he was responsible for introducing this tuber into French cuisine. It is said that Parmentier created it as a way to honor his beloved wife, who was known for her passion for sweets.

Dauphine potatoes, also known as “pommes dauphine” in French, are a delicious French culinary specialty made from a mixture of mashed potatoes and choux pastry.

To prepare them, a consistent mashed potato is mixed with choux pastry, butter and eggs, and formed into small balls the size of a walnut by hand or with a pastry bag. During frying, the choux pastry causes the balls to expand and become fatter. They are fried in abundant oil until golden and crisp. In general, they are served as an accompaniment to meat, although they can also be an excellent complement to vegetables and fish.

Today you can get noisette potatoes in frozen packs in almost all supermarkets and food stores around the world.

another version of the story

The name of this recipe would have been used for the first time in 1864 as “pommes à la dauphine” (potatoes with dauphine), and in 1891 it was definitively established as “pommes dauphine”. The dish is said to have been created in honor of the French princess Maria Josepha, known as the Dauphine, who was the wife of the future King Louis XVI.

If you are a lover of French cuisine, you cannot miss trying the delicious delfin or noisette potatoes at your next gourmet dinner.

The noisette potato is characterized by its small size and rounded shape. In the version without choux dough, special cutting tools are used to achieve this shape, which give the potato a uniform appearance. Its small size makes it easy to cook with, and its uniform shape makes it look good on any plate.

Now, we present a delicious recipe that you can enjoy as a snack or main accompaniment to your meals.

Noisette potatoes with rosemary and garlic recipe


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

On a baking sheet, place the noisette potatoes, olive oil, rosemary sprigs, and the peeled and finely chopped garlic cloves. Mix everything well.
Add salt and pepper to taste and mix everything well again.
Bake the potatoes for 30-35 minutes, or until golden brown and crisp on the outside and soft on the inside.
Serve hot and enjoy.
This recipe is very simple to prepare, but it is a delicious way to accompany meals such as meats and salads. The rosemary and garlic give it a delicious flavor, which is perfectly combined with the crunchy texture of the potato.

How to make homemade noisette potatoes:

Papa hazelnut recipe

If you’re looking for an easy noisette potato recipe, you’ve come to the right place!

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