The Truth About Achieving Happiness: A Deep Dive Into Arthur Brooks’ Insights

by time news

2024-07-10 06:20:38

Maslow’s pyramid establishes a hierarchy of human needs. At the base, the physiological needs to be followed by the security. For them, the social needs and the recognition and, at the top, the self realization. Theoretically, covering all these needs achieve happinessa goal that everyone wants to achieve for a life.


However, according to Harvard happiness guru Arthur Brooks, happiness is a combination of three phenomena: enjoyment, satisfaction and meaning. “You have to have all three experiences to be a reasonably happy person, because it is impossible to achieve complete happiness,” the expert explains. In this way, a happy person is defined by enjoying the experiences they have in life, by being happy with every obstacle they overcome and by directing their actions towards the future. the purpose of life which is marked.

The worst mistake in the search for happiness according to Arthur Brooks

But, Expecting to achieve the goal of happiness is a huge Arthur Brooks explains in the book written by Oprah Winfrey entitled Build the life you want. First of all, because we have already started with a wrong concept in thinking of happiness as a goal instead of a direction, that is what the Harvard scientist suggests. And, secondly, because when we believe we deserve something that doesn’t come, we tend to get frustratedso we should not be obsessed with achieving happiness.

And this is not the only mistake we discuss regarding the concept of happiness. According to Arthur Brooks, who has studied happiness for many years, people tend to make mistakes over and over again: mistaking the happiness for the feelings they announce to us that happiness. “The first mistake, by far, is to think that happiness is to be felt. It is not. emotions They are signs of happiness, but they are not happiness. It’s like confusing the smell of dinner with dinner. You smell dinner at your mother’s house and you say, ah, that’s good!, but that’s not dinner. It is evidence that the dinner is there that you will enjoy later. And the same thing happens with happiness,” he explains in an interview for the Aceprensa portal.

Arthur Brooks.Instagram @arthurcbrooks

In this sense, the expert explains that the positive emotions that we usually associate with happiness tips that lead us on the path to happiness, but those feelings do not mean that happiness has been achieved, much less completely. This whole state does not exist because we have experience that we generate negative emotions and, accordingly, his unhappy forecast for us. And just as we cannot avoid them, because they are inherent to humanity and help us grow and survive in this world, we must learn to assimilate the signs of what happens to us and what surrounds us to be clear the way to happiness.

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