The TSXG decrees the precautionary suspension of the Muras feldspar mine, valued at more than 600 million

by time news

2023-06-15 17:44:00

View of the Siln area where the feldspar deposit that Urbas wants to exploit is located. Manuel Guede

He affirms that the extraction will be carried out near protected natural spaces such as the Serra do Xistral and lands of the Terras do Mio Biosphere Reserve.

15 jun 2023 . Updated at 5:45 p.m.

The Superior Court of Xustiza de Galicia has announced this Thursday the precautionary suspension of the project to exploit feldspar in Muras. The mining activity, which was to be carried out in the parish of Siln, is promoted by the Urbas company, which planned to use the raw material from the deposit for ceramics.

The TSXG immediately and unconditionally suspends the resolution by which the Xunta, in December of last year, approved the exploitation project. The court establishes that the place where the the extraction is close to protected places such as the Serra do Xistral and lands included in the Terras do Mio Biosphere Reserve and also highlights the existence of important species of flora and fauna in the area. The reserves are considered the most important in Spain.

Urbas will exploit the largest feldspar mine in Spain this year in Muras

candela f. roldn

The judicial decision, against which appeal may be filed, It establishes that before the mere possibility that the extraction generates irreparable damage or that is difficult to correct, the suspension must be adopted. The interest in the conservation of these natural spaces must prevail over the company’s plans for mining activity, no matter how legitimate their right may be. The precautionary suspension was requested by the association Petn do Lobowhich focuses a large part of its activity on the defense of the cultural and natural heritage and which is based in Cabana de Bergantios.

twelve million tons

The site of the Murense parish of Siln has some reserves of twelve million tons, valued at 660 million euros. Urbas set his eyes on the deposit (previously exploited by Construcciones Murias, a company that he bought in 2020) to supply the national market and the ceramic industry in particular with a mineral that needs to be imported.

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