The twentieth edition of the Trayectos Festival will value areas of dance that tend to remain secondary

by time news

2023-06-21 01:05:19

From June 22 to 25, the twentieth edition of the Trayectos Festival will take place. Festival that is part of the Acieloabierto Network.

Beyond the fantastic and plural program of the Trayectos Festival, this festival is committed to reserving spaces for various areas of dance that transcend and make it possible for this discipline to develop as such. In this case, I am referring to a dance workshop given by Lucia Marote titled Flying Low and motion research which will extend from June 20 to 22; likewise, there will be another with Edward Tamayo called Mantra, looped choreographic compositionwhich will take place on June 23.

On the other hand, it is relatively recent that the Journeys Festival has signed a two-year agreement (extendable for another two) with the Zaragoza Municipal Professional Dance Conservatory (CPDMZ), specializing in contemporary dance, in order to materialize several collaborations that facilitate expanding the experiences of their students in fields such as creation, research or dissemination. Among other things, training and artistic meetings are planned with companies invited by the festival, as well as a dance video to explore the relationship between the body and space, as well as meetings and activities with invited artists within the framework of the Dance Laboratory and New Media, a program that directs attention to research processes.

Without forgetting that this twentieth edition, we will have the opportunity to attend the presentation of the book on June 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the University of Zaragoza. Ten women who made the world dance. Text aimed at children written by Mercedes L. Caballero, illustrated by Bea Aparicio, layout by Janire Orduna (Muslamen Project), is an editorial project of Espacio Punto de Fuga and Doos Colectivos. This is:

“In this children’s book, edited in Spanish and BasqueThey are collected 10 biographies of women who revolutionized the world of dance: Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, Mary Wigman, Pina Bausch, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Carolyn Carlson, Trisha Brown, Robyn Orlin, Germaine Acogny y Natsu Nakajima.

10 chapters, one for each of these creators, in which their story is told and fun proposals are also suggested to make the little ones in the house dance.

Whether you are 7 years old or keeping your inner child alive, this book is designed to inspire you, to get you moving and to remember those women who with their bodies, minds, imagination and words laid the foundations of dance.

From Space Vanishing Point and all the professionals involved in this project, we believe that we must remember those who came before, narrate their achievements, their stories and everything they have left us.

We encourage you to take each chapter in your hands, read it and follow its proposals.

To dance!”

In short, all that remains is for me to refer you to the Synopsis of what is scheduled for June 24 and 25 (the corresponding to days 22 and 23, they have it available in another preview already published in this medium):

Saturday June 24. Paraninfo University 20:00 h.

IVAN BENITO. Aragón. “CONFUSIÓN” Choreography and interpretation: Iván Benito

“CONFUSION, a piece of acrodanza inspired by delusional disorder or paranoid psychosis, where the person believes that «they are being tormented, followed, deceived or spied on with the intention of harming them». A person with delusional disorder can be quite functional and does not tend to exhibit bizarre behavior except when the delusion is present.

CIRCLE OF TRUST. Aragon. (Premiere) “VARO” Choreography and interpretation: Carmina Gimeno and Francisco Sánchez

“VARO: Between dead leaves and gray shadows, a woman in the center, with no one in her opinion, Death is present, in each leaf that has fallen and in the silence that reigns over the place. In the midst of so much sadness, a dreamlike universe emerges hand in hand with a surreal canvas that invites us to explore the human psyche through art and movement.

“VARO” is a work that tells us about death, loneliness and decadence, but also about hope and magic, always present in artistic creation.”

PREMOHS COLLECTIVE. Andalusia “ANONOMIC ROOTS” Choreography and performance: Paloma Ramos, Marta Reguera, Isaac Suarez, Antonio Leon.

“ANÓNIMAS RAICES arises from an afternoon, in a meeting, in a trip: What are our roots? And our culture? We are laughter, enjoyment and feeling. We are the rhythm, the music and the dance. Anónimas Raíces is an appointment with the roots that we inherit, a meeting between friends who undertake a journey far from home. A space to discover the history of bodies in relation to the cultural rhythms that emerged from the symbiosis between the most Andalusian expression, the heritage of the gypsy people and the essence of African rhythms.

A unique mix that fuses flamenco and urban dances in the shadow of a question: Who are we?

DANIEL RODRÍGUEZ. Galicia “A ROOT OF” Choreography and interpretation: Daniel Rodríguez

“A RAÍZ DE” is a dialogue between tradition and contemporaneity to build a discourse of the future. Daniel Rodríguez worked from traditional Galician music, song and dance to build a contemporary ME”.

THE COMING. Community of Madrid “LOCA” Choreography: Albert Hernández Interpretation: Irene Tena and Andrea Antó

“LOCA” shows the ecstasy of two bodies that feed on each other in the pure desire to free themselves. Intensity, listening, strength, vigor, compassion, is what the meeting of these two bodies that communicate through contemporary Spanish dance raises”.

Sunday June 25. Story Center 8:00 p.m.

NO MAN’S LAND. Ecuador – Tunisia. “I WENT WITH YOUR NAME” Choreography and interpretation: Marcelo Javier Guaigua (Ecuador) and Lèmia Boudhiaf (Tunisia)

“I WENT WITH YOUR NAME”: fragile and heavy, the body manifests its vulnerability and abandonment in diverse spaces where it travels in search of new encounters, new ways of perceiving an environment in which time and its materiality inhabit and undergo changes of state”.

COLLECTIVE WITHOUT PAIR. Andalusia “SIAM EFFECT” Choreography and interpretation: Lara Miso and Wilma Puentes

“SIAM EFFECT is a contemporary dance show inspired by the story of the conjoined twins Chang and Eng Bunker. They explore the concept of physical union between two people, just like the conjoined twins. Inquiring in this way, through a silent debate, into the permissiveness of the movement with this restriction and implying the emotional side that this could entail. Communicate through kinesthetic passwords and emphasizing the inherent dependence of two human beings who came into the world in the same skin.

SANDRA MACIÀ Catalonia “HUMAN 21” Choreography: Sandra Macià Performers: Sandra Valls, David Consuegra

“HUMAN 21, ‘reflects on the situation of emotional confusion in which we live due to the effects of the ‘pandemic disconnect’. Its interpreters start from a nightmare, enter into the emotion-reason dispute in the face of uncertainty and end up giving themselves the opportunity to reinvent themselves and move forward through creative resistance. Although, the Human 21 virus will prevail…”

BANQUET GROUP. Community of Madrid “RED, RED GREEN” Choreography and interpretation: Jerónimo Ruiz, Javier De La Asunción and Laura García Carrasco.

“Rojo Rojo Verde explores the coexistence of human beings from a comic and absurd point of view, from being mechanized and robotic to being tender and fun. He investigates the balance between individualism and support between individuals as the key to continue inflating the balloon in which we live, a balloon that is less and less green to become more red”.

COB COMPANY Opus ballet. Italy “BEHIND YOU” Choreography: Alejandro Bolognino Intérpretes: Sofia Galvan, Gaia Mondini

Behind you, taken from the White room production by the COB Compagnia Opus Ballet, won the audience award at the Masdanza 2022 International Choreographic Competition (Canary Islands).

#twentieth #edition #Trayectos #Festival #areas #dance #tend #remain #secondary

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