The two terrorists who carried out the attack in Elad were captured

by time news

The two terrorists who carried out the deadly attack in the city of Elad on the evening of Independence Day were captured earlier today (Sunday). A joint statement from the GSS, the IDF and the police said that “in a joint operation by the security forces, the two terrorists were arrested during searches near Elad. They hid in an old quarry under bushes and trees, but a patrol team and scans noticed them and they immediately surrendered.

The area has been scanned carefully in recent days and yesterday a find was found there that led to the morning scans. “As far as is known, they did not have weapons and according to the report from the field, they have been hiding in the place since the attack for two and a half days without food and water.”

The announcement said that the combined pursuit included the use of technological means, intelligence, gathering forces and special units of the police, the GSS and the IDF, including the Magellan unit, the poison unit, the commando brigade fighters and the assistance of Israeli police air helicopters.

The two – Assad al-Rifaii and Subhi Abu Shakir from a village in the Jenin area, immediately admitted with their perception that they were the terrorists who carried out the attack in Elad.

The investigation of the attack revealed that the terrorists had worked in the city before, and were transported to it on the night of the attack by Oren Ben Yiftach. When they arrived in the city, the two attacked him in the vehicle and murdered him, and then they ran through the city streets killing two more people, Yonatan Habakkuk and Boaz Gol. They wounded four other people and fled through the nearby woods.

Due to their perception, the cabinet meeting was somewhat postponed, for a full report.

The police commissioner, Superintendent Yaakov Shabtai, said: “The intensive activity immediately after the incident and the flooding of the area with hundreds of policemen and fighters together with the means we used, forced them to hide in the area and led us to find them.”

Bennett announced the establishment of a National-Civil Guard

At the beginning of the cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett congratulated the perpetrators of the terrorist attack: “I would like to mention the victims of the brutal, shocking attack in Elad: We said that we had a hand in the terrorists, and so we did. The inciting terrorists who murdered with axes and inconceivable cruelty, were caught miserably near a quarry in the area. I once again congratulate the GSS and its leader, the Israel Police and its leader, of course the IDF, and all the fighters. “

Bennett added that the war on terror is continuing, and announced the establishment of a national-civilian guard: “The capture of terrorists is not enough in itself. We are at the beginning of a new phase in the war on terror – you can not incite and rest. You can not throw a match and flee. “For the citizens of Israel. There are two very significant actions that we are promoting. First of all – the establishment of a national guard. I instructed the National Security Council, in coordination with the Ministry of Defense, to present the government with an orderly and budgeted plan for establishing a national-civil guard, by the end of the month.”

The main challenge of the coalition: maintaining the RAAM

Bennett also addressed the issue of the Temple Mount mosques and the condition imposed by RAAM in exchange for its stay in the coalition: “I want to make it clear here that there is not, and will not be, any political consideration regarding the war on terror. And of course – all decisions regarding the Temple Mount and Jerusalem will be made by the Israeli government, which is the sovereign of the city, without any consideration of foreign considerations. We certainly reject any foreign interference in the decisions of the Israeli government. Of course, the State of Israel will continue to maintain a respectful attitude toward members of all religions in Jerusalem, as we have done and will continue to do. “United Jerusalem is the capital of only one state – the State of Israel.”

Things are contrary in spirit, according to Abbas, and do not relate to the discussions of the international committee with Jordan, which is scheduled to convene soon. Bennett did not mention Jordan and the Waqf.

Bennett also spoke of the challenge of maintaining the coalition: “Anyone who has a drop of national and civic responsibility must act with all his might for the existence and preservation of this good government, and I expect and know that all parties and all party leaders are going to get involved and have already donated.”

The cabinet meeting was preceded by a meeting of the leaders of the coalition parties, where the immediate challenge was marked, the preservation of the RAAM, and an attempt to bring it to the Knesset for a vote expected in the Likud’s proposal to advance the elections.

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